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Surah 5

The Table Spread, arabic: Al-Ma'idah

Quran Surah/Verse ✔ Agreement ⇔ Contradiction ψ Unmentioned Comments
Su 5:1 * Keeping promises, not lying: Jos 21:45; Psa 66:13; Psa 119:163; Pro 4:24; Pro 12:22; Pro 13:5; 1Pe 3:16.
* Pilgrimage: Psa 120:1; Psa 134:1.
* Contracts against God will: Isa 30:1.
* There is no pilgrimage consecration in the Bible except the voluntary vow of a Nazirite: Nu 6:2.
* Consecration is also made by holy anointing oil: Ex 40:9. Especially the priest should be consecrated for the temple service: Ex 40:13; Nu 6:8, or someone who makes a vow to God: Nu 6:21.
* According to the Bible, the pilgrimage should only take place in Jerusalem and on God's command three times a year: Ex 23:14; Ex 34:24; Dt 16:16.
* God not only does what he wants, but keeps his promises 100% reliably: 2Ki 20:9; Isa 38:19.
* During the pilgrimage one must not go hunting.
Su 5:2 * There are sacred things in the Bible, this is Mount Sinai which is sanctified for a certain time: Ex 19:23; holy devices, part of the harvest, animals, houses, the tent of meeting and people: Nu 3:13; Nu 7:1; Dt 26:13; 2Ch 23:13; 1Co 6:11
* We are to encourage each other to do good: 2Th 3:13.
* Fear of God: Pro 5:13; 2Pe 1:7; 2Pe 3:11.
* God punishes severely: Dt 10:17; 2Ch 19:7; Mt 12:36; Lu 3:7; Ro 2:11; Heb 4:13; Rev 20:13.
* God's name shall be sanctified: Mt 6:9.
* Christians are sanctified: Eph 5:26.
* Jesus Christ is sanctified: Jn 17:19.
* Muslims' hatred of the Meccans because the Meccans do not let them into the Kaaba seems not to be godly, because the Bible teaches that hatred leads to cursing and murder: Mt 15:19; 1Jo 3:12-13. The Bible teaches to bless instead of cursing: Ro 12:14; even to love the enemies: Mt 5: 44.
* God saves believers in Christ from his coming judgment through his Son: 1Th 1:10.
* The Bible does not speak of months in which no war could be waged.
* After one has taken the state of consecration, one may hunt again.
Sanctified in the Bible means “to be reserved for God” and you must not use the sanctified for anything else than God’s purposes.
Su 5:3 * Dead, blood, pork, meat sacrificed to idols may not be eaten in the Old Testament: Lv 11:7; Lv 17:14; Dt 14:21; Rev 2:14.
* Fear not men but God: Pro 29:25; Mt 10:28; Lu 12:5.
* The New Testament teaches us that through the Word of God and prayer all things are pure and edible: Mr 7:19; 1Co 10:25; 1Ti 4:5; Tit 1:15. Whoever forbids something particular to eat is a liar: Col 2:21-23; 1Ti 4:2-3.
* “Cast lots” is not forbidden in the Bible, but the priest is even assigned with it: Lv 8:8; Lv 16:8; Jos 18:6.
* God closes the religion on this day and rejoices in Muslims that they have accepted Islam as a religion. There is no Islam in the Bible and Christians do not believe in any religion, but in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father in heaven and the Holy Spirit. He has revealed himself more and more and more.
* God allows forbidden food to be eaten when starvation is imminent. This is a matter of course in the Bible. The last revealed Quranic verse before Mohammed's death should be this verse 3.
Su 5:4 * To do good is right: Pro 3:27; Isa 1:17; Mt 12:12; Gal 6:9-10; Phil 4:8; 2Th 3:13; 1Ti 6:2; 1Ti 6:18; Heb 13:16; Jas 4:17; 1Pe 4:19;
* Calling out the name of God over the food. After the meal: Dt 8:10 as thanksgiving, not for protection.
* God judges quickly: Heb 12:6 + Heb 12:10.
* Muslims are interested in finding out what is allowed and what is not. In the Christian faith, believers are driven by the love of God. They do not try to find out what might be possible and does not entail punishment. The will of God does not consist in individual commandments, but love fulfills all commandments: Mt 7:12; Mt 22:36; Mr 12:29-31.
* Christians can eat everything without becoming guilty, as long as they do not eat with a guilty conscience and do not cause others to fall: Mr 7:19; Ac 11:9; Ro 14:20; Tit 1:15.
* God sometimes waits a long time for his judgment and does not settle it quickly: Ge 15:16; Ex 20:5; Ex 34:7; Nu 14:18; Dt 5:9; Ro 9:22; 1Co 13:4; 1Ti 1:16; 1Pe 3:19-20; 2Pe 3:9.
* Permission to use animals for hunting (like hawks) to make prey is strange. Why should God find this important? The hunters will be happy ;-) This explains why Arabs still hunt so enthusiastically with falcons in the desert today.
Su 5:5 * To do good is right: Pro 3:27; Isa 1:17; Mt 12:12; Gal 6:9-10; Phil 4:8; 2Th 3:13; 1Ti 6:2; 1Ti 6:18; Heb 13:16; Jas 4:17; 1Pe 4:19
* Christians can also enjoy the food of Muslims or Jews without becoming guilty: Mr 7:19.
* Secret fornication, that is, sex without marriage or adultery is sin: Mt 5:28 + Mt 5:30; Mt 15:19; 1Co 6:9; 1Co 6:18; 1Co 7:2.
* Without faith all is sin: Ro 14:23.
* Christians can eat everything, even Muslim or idol sacrifices without becoming guilty, as long as they do not eat with a guilty conscience and do not cause others to fall: Mr 7:19; Ac 11:9; Ro 14:20; Tit 1:15.
* Christians should not marry anyone, neither women nor men, who are not also Christians: 1Co 7:39; 2Co 6:14.
* God does not specify in the Bible that bride-gifts must be given.
* Muslims may only marry the wives of Christians and Jews. Here it is not permitted for Muslim women to marry Jewish or Christian men. Why?
Su 5:6 * God wants us to pray to him: Job 22:27; Psa 50:15; Psa 77:2; Jer 33:3; Mt 21:22; Lu 22:46; Ac 2:42; Ro 12:12; Phil 4:6; Col 4:2; 1Ti 4:5; 1Pe 4:7.
* In the Old Testament, purification with water is known, for example, for priests: Lv 8:6, for mold: Lv 13:55, for cloth and clothing: Lv 13:58, for ejaculation: Dt 23:11, for objects: Lv 11:32. Some non-combustible objects are cleaned by fire: Nu 31:23.
* In the New Testament there was John's baptism, a bath of water that expresses an inner readiness for repentance: Mt 3:11; Mr 1:4; Lu 3:3. The disciples of Jesus Christ also baptized: Jn 3:22; Jn 4:2. And Christians still baptize today, but once in a lifetime as a sign of becoming one with Jesus Christ: Ro 6:4. Actually, baptism is about baptism with the Holy Spirit: Lu 3:16; Ac 11:16.
* God wants us to live holy and pure: Lv 20:7; Jos 7:13; Eph 4:1; Jas 4:8.
* God wants us to experience His help and be grateful for it: Psa 50:15; Col 1:3; 2Th 2:13; Rev 11:17.
* God does not expect a particular body position when we pray. Prayer is in a standing position: Ge 18:22; Dt 10:8, lying position, with kneeling: 1Ki 8:54; Psa 95:6; Dan 6:10, possible in any position, with raising hands: Psa 141:2; 1Ki 8:54 and without raising hands: Lu 18:13, with prostration: Nu 16:22; Mt 26:39 or without prostration: Ex 34:14.
* God does not require in the Bible a certain position in rows, as Muslims do in mosques. Worship is not strictly prescribed, but should come from the heart, which can be expressed differently in each culture.
* God does not require a ritual, clearly defined washing of the face, hands to the elbow, head, feet to the ankles, etc. before prayer. Rather, believers are made pure once and for all through the spiritual washing in the moment they are born again: Jn 3:3; Titus 3:5.
* In the Old Testament, uncleanness, sickness and sin are equally cleansed by a confession of guilt and a sacrificial animal in cooperation with the priest: Lv 5:3-6; Lv 14:19; Mr 1:44. Not by an external washing.
* The real and lasting cleansing is not by water, but by Jesus Christ and his blood: 1Co 6:11; Heb 1:3; Rev 7:14.
* Anyone can pray at any time without regard to a prior washing. Even certain food, women, going to the toilet or a trip cannot make anyone unclean: Tit 1:15. Before God one becomes unclean only by evil thoughts that one allows in his mind and evil words and deeds: Mt 15:19.
* The constellation in prayer in a row is unknown in the Bible.
* How can someone become pure before God by being covered with earth or sand?
Here and elsewhere in the Quran it is not mentioned that Muslims should pray five times a day or pray in the present fixed form.
Su 5:7 * Believers should be grateful to God for his gifts: Psa 43:4; Psa 95:2; Col 3:15; Heb 12:28.
* Believers should be thankful to God for his covenant with them: Ro 9:4 This is a two-sided covenant, initiated by God, but to which believers must agree with obedience: Psa 50:5.
* Believers should fear God: Lv 25:17; 2Ch 19:7; Psa 64:10; Ecc 12:13; Lu 7:16; Heb 12:28.
* God knows all that is hidden in the hearts of man: Mt 6:6; Lu 8:17; Ro 2:16; 1Co 4:5.
* The covenant that God made with Noah: Ge 6:18, Abraham: Ge 15:18, Isaac: Ge 17:21 and Jacob: Ex 2:24 are completely different from that described in the Koran. God initiated them without any expectation on the receiving side. God started with Moses: Ex 24:8; Psa 50:5 to include obedience into the covenant. In the New Testament, the blood of Jesus Christ sealed the new covenant with all who believe in Him: Mt 26:28; Heb 12:24. This is unknown to the Quran.
Su 5:8 * Believers should be committed to God and His cause. They are to testify and spread the true faith: Lv 31:6; Dt 31:7; Jos 1:6; 1Ch 22:13; Psa 27:14; Mr 16:15; 1Co 16:13.
* Believers should always act righteously: Dt 1:16; Pro 11:18; Pro 21:21; Eze 18:9; 1Jo 3:7.
* God is just and stands for righteousness: Dt 32:4; Psa 116:5; Dan 9:14; 2Th 1:6; Rev 15:3; Rev 16:7.
* God knows the hypocrisy of false hearts: Mt 23:28.
* Believers should not use force to work for God's cause or spread the true faith: Mt 26:52; Lu 9:54-56; Jn 12:47; Jn 18:11;
* Believers cannot be 100% just and need forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ: Job 4:17; Job 25:4; Mt 26:28; Ro 2:13; Ro 3:30; Ro 5:1; Ro 8:33; Gal 3:11; Eph 1:7.
* Hatred is allowed in Islam according to this verse. However, Christians are to love even their enemies, not hate them, but love their enemies, just as Jesus Christ did: Mt 5:44; Lu 6:27; Lu 6:35; Lu 23:34.
Su 5:9 * No good work is lost. The righteous man receives a reward for this: Ge 15:1 (faith); Psa 58:12; Isa 40:10; Mt 5:12; Mt 10:41-42; Lu 6:35; 1Co 3:8; 1Co 3:14; 2Co 5:10; Col 3:24; Rev 22:12. * Forgiveness happens only through bloodshed: Heb 9:22. The blood God has authorized, the blood of His Son alone, washes us clean from sin: Ro 4:3-5; Col 1:13-14. Anyone who does not believe in it remains in his sins and will be thrown into hell: Jn 3:36; Jn 5:28-29; Rev 20:11-15. God invites all mankind to his salvation: Mt 11:28; Rev 22:17. * We do not receive forgiveness through good works. This is a great error. God expects the good. If we do evil, we have a huge problem. No single good deed can make up for sin. Whoever sins deserves to die: Ro 6:23. Adam and Eve committed one sin and had to leave paradise and die: Ge 5:5.
Su 5:10 * People hear the message and see signs confirming it and yet reject the truth: Jn 12:37.
* Anyone who rejects God's warning loses the chance of repentance with all the consequences: Ex 20:19; Jer 12:17; Jer 6:10-11; Eze 3:18-19; Zec 7:13; Mal 2:2; Mt 13:15; Lu 16:31; Ac 26:29.
* Some people will end up in hellfire because they reject God's message: Mt 5:29-30; Mt 11:23; Lu 16:23; Rev 20:11-15.
* The Quran does not describe signs like miracles or predictions that confirm Mohammed. In the Bible, however, signs are always verifiable predictions or miracles that confirmed the message of the respective prophet. Moses: Ex 4:8-9; Ex 4:17; Psa 105:26-27; Ac 7:36. False prophets: Dt 13:2-4; Mt 24:24; 2Th 2:9. Isaiah: 2Ki 20:8-9. Jeremiah Jer 44:29. Jesus: Lu 11:29; Jn 2:11; Jn 2:23; Jn 3:2; Jn 4:54; Jn 6:14; Jn 11:47; Apostles: Ac 5:12; Ac 6:8; Ac 8:6; 2Co 12:12. In Islam the quranic words themselves are often understood as signs. For Christians, however, words of a person are not signs in themselves. Predictions or miracles must confirm these words in order to recognize a true prophet. Furthermore, his life should ethically bring “good fruit” Mt 7:17 and not contradict the teaching of the Bible Gal 1:8-10.
Su 5:11 * God saves the believers: Jdg 2:16; 1Sa 30:18; 2Sa 22:18; 2Ch 32:22; Neh 9:27-28; Ps 18:18; Ps 22:5; Ps 34:5; Ps 106:8; Zep 3:17. * God often saves the believers, for example in the event of war. But he may not do so either. For example, when they sin: Jos 7:5; Eze 12:11 or if God has other reasons: Job 1:17-20; Heb 11:33-40.
* Above all, Jesus, the Son of God, saves from the coming wrath of God: 1Th 1:10.
Su 5:12 * God made a covenant with Israel. The covenant came from God: Ex 34:10, Ex 34:27, Dt 4:13.
* 12 is an important number in relation to the people of Israel: Ge 35:22; 1Ki 18:31.
* The children of Israel were to pay their tithes (10% of their income) so that proper worship could take place in the Tent of Meeting (tabernacle) and later in the temple through the tribe of Levi with the priests: Lv 25:9; Lv 27:30; Lv 27:32; Nu 18:21; Nu 18:24; Neh 10:39; Mal 3:10; Mt 23:23.
* Whoever falls back into unbelief as a believer has lost the way: Jer 17:13; Mt 10:33; Mt 24:10; Heb 3:12; Heb 6:4-8; 1Ti 4:1; 1Jo 2:22.
* God had a covenant with Noah before: Ge 9:9, with Abraham: Ge 15:18, Ge 17:17, with Isaac and Jacob: Ex 2:24, 1Ch 17:15-17 and with Moses/Israel: Ex 34:10, Ex 34:27, Dt 4:13, with David: 2Sa 7:11-13 + 2.Sa 7:16 and through Jesus Christ with us: Lu 22:20; 1Co 11:25.
* The 12 sons of Jacob became the progenitors of the 12 tribes of Israel, not just 12 leaders. 12 also has an important meaning for the end of time: Ge 49:28; Ex 39:14; Jos 4:8; 1Ki 18:31; Mt 19:28; Rev 21:12.
* Nowhere does God ask the children of Israel to perform a specific pre-formulated ritual prayer. Formulated prayers, like the Psalms, can be a help, but they are not compulsory prayers. God is a personal God who does not want to be bored with empty repetitions: Am 5:21-23; Mt 6:7. In the tabernacle and temple there were certain prescribed rituals, but no obligatory prayers: Lv 10:9; Lv 23:3 Nu 6:12.
* The tithe as a donation should not be used by the Israelites and us to fight a prophet's war. God does not need donations from believers or a loan from them to make a war successful.
* No one can buy heaven/paradise through almsgiving. No sins will be erased by alms: Gal 2:16; Eph 2:8-9.
* In the Bible, there is only one special stream of water at the end, which becomes a great river: Rev 22:1-2.
* People who leave the faith again, we are to call back friendly: Jud 1:22-23.
Su 5:13 * The people of Israel broke their covenant with God: Dt 31:16; Dt 31:20 Jer 11:10; Jer 31:32; Ho 8:1.
* God hardens some hearts: Pharaoh Ex 10:1; King Sihon: Dt 2:30; Ro 9:18. People also harden their own hearts: Psa 95:8; Pro 28:14; Jer 7:26; Mr 8:17; Heb 3:8; Heb 3:13; Heb 4:7.
* Jews are liars and traitors (just like all other people!): Ro 3:12-18.
* People who betray others we are to forgive. Jesus himself was betrayed by Judas and by the Jews. He asked for all those involved in his death: Lu 23:34. It was the same with the apostle Stephen: Ac 7:60.
* Those who will not listen need not continue to be invited as long as possible. But Jesus, after some disputes with the Jewish scholars, turned away from the Pharisees and prophesied to them the judgment of God: Mt 23:13-14. Only his miracles continued to invite them indirectly: Jn 10:32.
* God does not curse like humans do. He allows the consequences of disobedience to be experienced by Israel and all people who rebel against him: Dt 11:26; Jer 11:3; Am 2:4; Ro 1:24.
* God has not rejected Israel forever: Ho 12:1. He will turn his curse into blessing, for God keeps his promise to Abraham and David: Zec 8:13.
* Nowhere in the Bible are Jews or Christians accused to distort or forget their revelation texts. The Bible has been handed down to us very reliably. But the Jews introduced the Talmud as an oral revelation that does not come from God. However, many of these Talmud texts are contained in the Koran! Jesus combats these texts as human traditions that he despises because they lead astray: Mt 15:6; Mr 7:8-9; Mr 7:13; Col 2:8.
* To call only members of Israel traitors is wrong, for all other people can also become traitors, Muslims included: Ro 3:4; Ro 3:10-19.
* God not only loves the good, but He also loves the sinner. This is the way for all people to find salvation in Jesus Christ: Lu 15:4; Lu 19:10; Jn 3:17; Ro 5:8.
Such a one-sided statement leads to anti-Semitism, which is malicious and incites Muslims to commit acts of violence. Here, Muslims should take to heart the words that call for forgiveness and not to hold grudges. Especially because they know that they, like all people, are sinners.
Su 5:14 * God also made a covenant with Christians, the followers of Jesus Christ, called the New Covenant: Heb 9:15.
* Christianity as a whole has often failed to implement the Word of God and disobey God. There have been many transgressions: Mt 7:26; Lu 6:49. Just as there was often disobedience within the respective revelation in Islam and Judaism: Jdg 2:17; Psa 106:25; Isa 42:24; Jer 43:7; Heb 4:2.
* God will exercise judgment if anyone alters his word: Rev 22:18-19.
* The New Covenant with those who accept Christ as their Savior is through the blood and body of Christ, which he gave on the cross: Lu 22:20; 1Co 10:16; 1Co 11:25.
* Christians have not forgotten or lost any part of the Word of God. The Bible is not incomplete or misdelivered. There is no evidence of this whatsoever. It is a slanderous claim that questions God's power to preserve His Word. For this protection is exactly what he has promised: Psa 119:89; Mt 24:35; Ac 20:27; Ro 9:6; 2Co 2:17; 2Ti 2:9; Heb 4:12; 1Pe 3:5.
* God has not sown enmity and hatred among Christians. That would be contrary to the heavenly Father's character. God is love!: 1Jo 4:8. Jesus' prayer was that a unity be maintained between His followers. In this they are to be one as Jesus Christ is one with the heavenly Father: Jn 17:11; Jn 17:21-23.
Su 5:15 * God sends prophets at various times: 2Ki 17:13; Jer 7:25; Jer 35:15; Mt 23:34. * Jesus Christ Himself will send not only one prophet, but many prophets and scribes after His death and resurrection: Mt 23:34; Eph 4:11; Ac 15:32; Rev 11:1-12.
* Unfortunately, there are also false prophets. Not all who claim God sent them are true prophets of God: Jer 14:14-15; Jer 27:15; Jer 28:15; Mt 24:11; Mt 24:24; Mr 13:22; Lu 6:26; Rev 20:10.
* God will punish false prophets: Jer 23:32.
* True prophets of God are often rejected and killed: Mt 23:34; Mt 34:37; Lu 11:49-50; Lu 13:34.
* What do Christians and Jews keep secret about their books, when it is written and can be read by anyone who can read? The biblical scriptural findings before Mohammed's time are also known to all who want to know. Jesus prophesies that nothing will be kept secret from his words: Mt 10:26; Mr 4:22; uk 8:17; Lu 12:2. Could Jews hide some parts of the Scriptures from Mohammed because he could not read?
* How can Muhammad simply overlook something commanded by God (e.g. eating camel meat: Lv 11:4 ?) and allow it when Jesus says Scripture cannot be broken: Mt 5:17-19.
* Why believe a prophet who is the only one who claims to have heard the voice of an angel, when God calls us to accept only a message witnessed by at least 2-3 witnesses: Dt 17:6; 1Ti 5:19; Su 2:282.
* Any new revelation must be authorized by God and must not contradict previous revelations. However, the Quran obviously does this by rejecting Jesus' sonship with God and his atoning death on the cross.
* What does the Quran make clear that was not clear before? Idolatry has always been clearly a sin: 1Sa 15:23; 1Co 10:14. The only new thing in the Quran is that besides Allah, Muhammad now also demands obedience.
* Therefore, prophets, including Muhammad, must be tested to see if they are in truth from God. There are these 4 criteria:
1. does a prediction of the prophet come true or does he perform a miracle that confirms his statements (Dt 18:21-22)?
2. does his teaching agree with the previous revelation (Bible) (Dt 13:1-4)?
3. does the life of the alleged prophet conform to biblical ethics (Mt 7:15; Mr 7:21-22)?
4. does he accept the substitutionary death on the cross, the resurrection and God's sonship of Jesus Christ (1Co 12:3; 1Jo 4:1-3; 1Jo 4:15; 1Jo 5:10-12)?
* Muhammad, according to the Qur'an, committed many sins himself as did other prophets: Su 4:129; Su 33:28; Su 33:36-38; Su 33:33; Su 33:50-53; Su 40:55; Su 41:6; Su 47:19; Su 48:1-2; Su 66:1; Su 66:6; Su 80:1-11.
Sins of Adam: Su 7:22-23; sins of Abraham: Su 26:82; sins of Moses: Su 28:15-16; sins of David: Su 38:24-25; sins of Jonah: Su 37:141-144; sins of all men: Su 47:19.
Jesus Christ, on the other hand, was sinless and is completely trustworthy on his own: Jn 8:46; Heb 4:15; Su 19:19.
Su 5:16 * The revelation of God always leads out of darkness into light: Job 12:22; Psa 139:11-12; Isa 9:1; Isa 42:16; Isa 49:9; Dan 2:22; Jn 1:5; Jn 3:19; Jn 8:12; Jn 12:46; Ac 26:18; 1Co 4:5. The question is: What is the true revelation of God and what is fallacy that continues to keep men captive in darkness: Isa 5:20; Mt 6:23; Lu 11:35; Ro 2:19; 1Jo 2:9.
* Because God Himself is straight, He shows the sinner the straight path: Psa 25:8.
* Jesus Christ is the only light from God for us humans: Jn 1:5; Jn 3:19; Jn 8:12; Jn 12:46. Because he is God, he is also the light itself: 1Jo 1:5; 1Jo 2:8.
* Christians live in the light: Eph 5:8; 1Pe 2:9.
* There are also ways that appear straight to man. But in reality they lead to destruction: Pro 14:12; Pro 16:25; Pro 21:2.
* John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus Christ, the straight one. He urges everyone to do the same and believe in Jesus: Mt 3:3; Mr 1:3; Lu 3:4; Jn 1:23.
* God has prepared a holy highway, a holy way for all who believe in Jesus Christ: Isa 35:8.
Su 5:17 * Of course God can destroy all men: Isa 40:15. He has done it and will do it again: Ge 6:17; Ge 9:15; Lu 17:27; 2Pe 2:5; Rev 20:11.
* Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, had to die. Just as Jesus Christ died: Mt 27:50; Mr 15:37; Lu 23:46; Jn 19:30. Jesus died on the cross and rose again from the dead: 2Co 5:15; 1Th 4:14.
* God controls everything in heaven and on earth: Ge 1:1; Dt 3:24; Dt 4:19; Dt 4:39; Dt 10:14; Jos 2:11; 1Ki 8:23; Job 26:7; Isa 37:16; Jer 10:12; Jer 32;17; Kol 1:16; 2Pe 3:5; Rev 14:7.
* God creates what he wills: Isa 45:7; Isa 65:18.
* God has power over all things and can do the impossible: Jer 32:17; Jer 32:27; Mt 19:26; Mr 10:27; Lu 18:27.
* That God can kill all is no argument that Jesus cannot be God himself, stripped of his glory and come to earth: Phil 2:8-11.
* God creates all things, but his purpose is love, for he is love: 2Ti 1:7; 1Jo 4:7-12.
* True believers are those who say that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and God himself: Psa 110:1; Mt 22:43; Mt 14:33; Mt 16:16.
* Even the devil and the demons tremble at Christ and confess that he is the Son of God: Mt 4:3; Mt 4:6; Mt 8:29; Mr 1:1; Mr 3:11; Mr 5:7; Lu 4:3; Lu 4:9; Lu 4:41; Lu 8:28.
* The angel Gabriel confesses Jesus to be the Son of God: Lu 1:35.
* Jesus Christ himself confesses that he is the Son of God: Mt 26:63; Lu 22:70; Jn 10:36; Jn 11:4; Jn 19:7; Jn 20:31.
* God himself confesses Jesus Christ as his Son and God: Mt 3:17; Mt 17:5; Mr 1:11; Mr 9:7; Lu 3:22; Heb 1:5; Heb 1:8-9; 2Pe 1:17.
* The theological problem arises in Islam because it teaches that Christians declare the man Jesus to be God. This is not so. God Himself declares Jesus to be God, because He is God and became man: Psa 110:1; Mt 22:43
Su 5:18 * All people will one day be judged in God's judgment: Rev 20:11-15.
* God has His kingdom and will bring it to victory: Dan 3:33; Dan 7:18; Dan 7:27; Mt 3:2; Mt 5:3; Mt 8:11; Mt 12:28; Lu 17:21; Rev 21:1-3.
* Not all people will return home to God. Some will experience the resurrection directly, come into judgment, and go to hell: Mt 25:31-33; Jn 5:27-29; Rev 20:11-15.
* The Jews do not say that they are sons of God. They rightly say that God is their Father, but not vice versa, although God also calls the Jews his sons and daughters: Isa 43:6; Isa 56:5; Isa 64:7; Eze 16:20.
* Christians may call God their Father, and through forgiveness in Jesus Christ, God calls them His sons and daughters. They may even lovingly call God the Father, Abba, dear Father: Mt 5:9; Mt 5:45; Mt 23:9; Lu 6:35; Ro 8:14-15; Ro 8:19; ro 8:23; 2Co 6:18; Gal 3:7; Gal 3:26; Gal 4:5-6; Eph 1:5; 1Th 3:3; 1Th 5:5; 2Th 2:16; Heb 2:10.
* Punishment is not a sign that God does not accept His children. Whom God loves (as His Sons), He also punishes to bring him up: Pro 13:24; Heb 12:6.
* People can become sons and daughters of God. This does not contradict itself, especially if they are yet to be transformed into what God has chosen them for: 1Co 15:51-54; 1Jo 3:2. The invitation for you is here!
* God has chosen to forgive everyone who believes in Jesus Christ an him dying on the cross. There is no other reason for God to forgive. Outside of Jesus Christ, there is no forgiveness for any human being: Jn 3:16-18; Jn 14:6; 1Co 1:30; 1Co 2:2.
* God is not arbitrary. God keeps his word. He has made known his decisions and keeps them: Psa 119:89; Mt 24:35; Mr 13;31; Lu 21:33; 1Pe 1:25.
* God has prepared his kingdom for human fellowship with him: Ex 33:16-17; Lv 26:11-12; Nu 35:34; Mt 1:23; Rev 21:3.
* The Quran writes about something that is between heaven and earth. * Being loved by God does not mean that God approves of everything the person he loves does. In the Arabic environment, standing by a relative even if he misbehaves is the way to go.
Su 5:19 * God has again and again made longer pauses in the revelation. E.g. before the time of the kings of Israel (1000 B.C.) or also 400 years break after the last prophet in the Old Testament, the prophet Malachi until the coming of Jesus Christ.
* God has power over all things, including sending a prophet when he will: Jer 1:4-10; Isa 6:8-9; Isa 10:6; Eze 2:3-5; Mt 10:16; Mt 23:34; Jn 20:21; Ac 26:17; 1Co 14:29; Rev 11:10.
* The Bible knows simple seers (until Samuel), prophets without books like Elijah and Elisha and so on. It also knows prophets who have left us books. For the most part, these “book prophets” are not even known and named in the Koran, such as the prophet Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Malachi, and so on. Why?
* None of the book owners complain that no more prophet comes in their time. None are waiting for another prophet, but for the return of the Messiah Himself: Mr 9:11; Lu 2:25; Lu 2:38; Jn 1:41; Jn 4:25; Ac 18:5; Ac 18:28. Muhammad, however, does not claim to be the Messiah: Su 7:184; Su 7:188; Su 11:12; Su 22:49; Su 26:115; Su 29:50; Su 34:28; Su 34:46; Su 38:70; Su 46:9; Su 67:26 … Jesus Christ is the only one, the true Messiah, the one anointed by God and Savior of the world: Jn 4:42 + Jn 4:46; 1Jo 4:14.
* The good news, the Gospel has already been defined by Jesus Christ and proclaimed by all his followers worldwide. Therefore, there is no need at all for a new prophet to bring anything other than the known good news: Ac 5:42; Ac 13:32; Ac 20:24; Ro 10:15; Gal 1:16; Gal 1:8-9.
* By “People of the Scriptures” the Quran addresses Jews and Christians who possess the Old Testament and the whole Bible, respectively.
Su 5:20 * The prophet Moses is a real person and spoke to the people of Israel: Dt 27:1; Dt 27:11.
* The people of Israel can offer sacrifices of thanksgiving to God such as sheep, cattle, etc.: Ex 20:24; Ex 32:6; Lv 3:6; Lv 7:29; Nu 7:88; Dt 27:7.
* The people of Israel were to remember God's miracles and deliverances: “Ex 13:3; 1Ch 16:12; Psa 105:5; Isa 46:9.
* They are to remember the prophets God has sent: 2Ki 17:13; Jer 7:25; Jer 25:4.
* 6 books of the Bible are a reminder of the time of the kings: 1st+2nd Samuel; 1st+2nd Kings; 1st+2nd Chronicles.
* God chooses the nation of Israel above all other nations: Ex 19:5; Ex 33:16; Dt 7:6; Dt 14:2; Dt 26:18; Psa 135:4; Ro 9:4; Ro 11:5; Rev 21:12.
* Christians are God's second chosen people: Lu 12:32; 1Pe 2:9; Rev 21:14.
* At the time of Moses, there were no kings to lead the people of Israel. Only about 350 years after Moses (died about 1407 B.C.) the first kings were appointed by the prophet Samuel: King Saul (1053 B.C. 1Sa 10:1) and King David (1011 B.C. 1Sa 16:13). The words given by the Quran are put into Moses' mouth and cannot be true.
Su 5:21 * God has already promised a land for the people of Israel under Abraham: Gen 12:7; Gen 28:4; Ex 6:8; Ex 32:13; Ex 33:1.
* God calls on his people to take the land of Canaan: Nu 33:53; Dt 1:8.
* The people of Israel were in danger of avoiding confrontation after the exodus from Egypt and the wilderness wanderings: Ex 13:17-18; Nu 14:9; Dt 9:23.
* These words of the Quran are not found in the Bible in this way and cannot be considered as literal quotations. This is true for almost all quotations of prophets in the Quran. * Because the people of Israel first refused to follow God's command and take the land of Canaan, they had to wander in the desert for 40 years. Only then were the descendants of the disobedient parents allowed to enter and conquer the land of Canaan: Nu 14:33; Nu 32:13; Dt 2:7; Dt 8:2; Dt 29:4; Jos 5:6; Neh 9:21; Ac 7:36; Ac 13:18; Heb 3:17.
Su 5:22 * The people of Israel refused to go into the Promised Land when Moses told them to. They were afraid of the giant inhabitants: Nu 13:31-33. * Nowhere does the Bible say that the people of Israel said: “If they leave, then we will enter”, as it is written in the Quran. This would also make no sense, because it was clear that the previous inhabitants, who had also once conquered the land from others, would not leave.
Su 5:23 * The two men the Quran does not mention by name are Joshua and Caleb. They call the people of Israel to trust God and His promises and march into the land: Nu 14:6-9. * Since it was not a matter of conquering only one city and entering through its gates, as the Quran says, the Quranic injunction “Got into them through the gate” makes no sense. Rather, it was about capturing a whole region, the land of Canaan with many towns and villages. If, as in the time of Muhammad, it is only about a city such as Mecca or Medina, then the Quran adapts the Bible text to these circumstances. Is that permissible?
Su 5:24 * The Quran claims that the people of Israel wanted to send Moses ahead to await the victory that God would give Moses without them having to fight as a people. The Bible explains the much more logical reaction of the people of Israel that they wanted to eliminate him and choose another leader in his place: Nu 14:2-4.
Su 5:25 * Moses and his brother Aaron responded to this unbelief and disobedience: Nu 14:5. * Also at this point the biblical account is more logical. It says that Moses and Aaron the priest (his brother) fell on their faces in shock and called on God for mercy: Nu 14:13-18. They did not call on God to judge the people, as in the Quran: “separate us from these rebellious people”. On the contrary, they were concerned with saving the people. A completely different basic attitude becomes clear here, showing God’s own love character for a rebellious people Nu 14:19-20. * Does Muhammad want to find justification in the biblical account to seek retribution against all those who oppose him and do not believe his message?
Su 5:26 * God forbids the people of Israel to enter the land for 40 years because they were disobedient and unbelieving: Nu 14:34. * The people will not wander aimlessly, but will be guided accurately by God day and night by the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. It gave the sign to set out and to settle down and showed the way for 40 years!
Su 5:27 * Adam had given birth to his first two sons: Ge 4:1-2.
* Both gave an offering to God, but only one was accepted: Ge 4:3-4.
* There was a reason why God did not accept one sacrifice. God is not arbitrary, but has His reasons for doing so, which He also reveals: Ge 4:4-5; Heb 11:4; 1Jo 3:12.
* They will wander for 40 years, but not one of those older than 18 years when the disobedience happened will enter the land. They will die in the desert before that. Only their children will enter the Promised Land: Nu 14:29-34. The only exception will be Caleb and Joshua, who will be allowed to enter the land: Nu 14:30.* The Quran does not know the names of the two sons of Adam: Ge 4:1-2.
* Cain in the Bible does not announce to kill Abel, but is angry and God admonishes him: Ge 4:5-7. Cain deceitfully hides his intention from Abel and takes him to the field to murder him secretly: Ge 4:8.
* Here there is a change of scenery from Moses, who lived around 1,500 BC back to Adam's sons, Cain and Abel, who lived around 3,950 BC according to the Bible.
Su 5:28 * God does not tell Moses not to be sad about the disobedient ones. But rather Moses is asking God to be gracious: Nu 14:19-20.* It is interesting here that Abel behaves in this sentence in the Quran as Jesus Christ and Stephen did later. They did not resist injustice. They even pray for their murderers: Lu 23:34; Ac 7:59-60. Biblically, it is more likely that Cain simply struck Abel down from behind full of hate without warning. * No words of Abel are recorded in the Bible when he was murdered.
Su 5:29 * A fire is prepared for sinners unless they repent and find forgiveness: Mt 18:8-9; Rev 20:14-15; Rev 21:8. * Here, the Quranic Abel deviates from the line given by Jesus Christ and Stephen in the Bible. Instead of praying for Cain, he curses him and wants to transfer the sins from himself to Cain.
* Here the Quran breaks through its teaching that everyone has to bear his own burden of sins. Suddenly Cain is to carry the sin of 2 persons.
* Abel states here in the Quran that he too is sinful, thus not sinless. This contradicts today's Islamic theology that prophets are sinless.
Su 5:30 * Cain murdered Abel: Ge 4:8; 1Jo 3:12.
* Something in Cain motivated him to murder: Ge 4:7.
* Because of the murder, Cain became a loser. All his life he had to bear the curse for his deed: Ge 4:11-12.
* The Bible describes in more detail how God spoke to Cain and wanted to direct him to repentance: Ge 4:9-10.
* It describes what tempted Cain to murder, the sin that lurked at the door of his heart: Ge 4:7.
* The curse is described in more detail in the Bible. Cain was always to be on the run and farming would yield nothing: Ge 4:11-12.
* That God protects the life of Cain against blood avengers is not mentioned in the Koran: Ge 4:15.
Su 5:31 * God sent ravens to show the murderer Cain how to bury a dead man? A very strange story.
* Why would Abel still have shame to hide after his death. The Bible records nothing about this process. They come from Jewish Bible commentaries, which contain inventions and were taken over by the Quran.
The story comes from a Jewish Source in the Midrasch: Targum of Jonathan and Targum of Jerusalem.
Su 5:32 * God gave Israel many ordinances: Ex 15:25; Psa 119:164. * God does not declare anywhere in the Bible that when someone kills another person, he kills all humankind. In the same way, when someone saves the life of one person, no one saves all of humanity. That would also make no sense. Because God can save without a human being or through single or many. Even Cain, who slew Abel, did not destroy the whole mankind. God created all mankind through Cain and the later born Seth: Ge 4:25. The Quran obviously copied from the Jewish interpretation of the Bible and its author did not realize that these are not the words of God. * This statement comes from the Jewish Mishnah from the 2nd century A.D. “For everyone who kills a soul of Israel is counted according to the Scriptures as one who killed a whole world. And everyone who saves the life of a soul of Israel, let him be counted according to the Scriptures as one who saved a whole world.”
With the weight of these sentences, witnesses in the criminal trial should be urged to tell the truth.
Su 5:33 * God will not leave unpunished the one who turns against him: Ex 20:7; Ex 34:7; Lv 20:6. * Just now, the Quranic text was talking about whoever kills one, kills mankind. With this logic, the Quran calls for the genocide of all people.
* No prophet in the Bible had to threaten to kill opponents or even torture them as described here in the Quran with cutting off their hands and legs or being crucified. On the contrary, prophets of the Bible proclaimed God's word and were always vulnerable: 2Ki 9:7; Mt 23:30; Lu 11:50; Rev 16:6; Rev 18:24. Jesus Christ gave Himself into the hands of men who crucified Him: Jn 10:18. He did not threaten or resist as Muhammad does here: 1Pe 2:23.
* This too is supposed to be in the eternal Quran, which is supposed to be kept in heaven? This sounds very much like personal desperate threatening by the author, not trust in God. Do these words really fit for a true prophet of God?
Su 5:34 * Nowhere in the Bible is there any kind of forced conversion, proclamation of a message of God combined with violence. People are free to follow or disobey God: Nu 32:9; Dt 1:26; Jos 5:6; Psa 78:10; Jer 5:3; Jer 29:19; Mt 22:3; Mt 23:37. Both have natural consequences. Here in the Quran, the only way to survive is to acknowledge Muhammad's supremacy, submit and accept his religion. This became the model for Islamic and, unfortunately, Christian forced conversions. Such an approach contradicts everything that Jesus Christ teaches. This is one of the most violent verses of the Quran.
Su 5:35 * Believers are to fear and honor God: Ex 18:21; Lv 19:14; Lv 25:43; Isa 8:13; 2Co 5:11.
* Believers are to seek God and draw near to Him: 1Ti 2:1; Jas 4:8.
* Believers are to plead God's cause: Mt 6:33; Mt 19:27.
* Believers are not to fear an unpredictable God, but to love Him with all their mind, thoughts, feelings and will: Ex 18:21; Dt 6:5; Dt 11:1; Dt 30:16; Lu 10:27; 1Jo 5:2.
* Believers are to labor in God's cause, but not with guile or violence: Mt 6:33. Nor is it a matter of obtaining one's own gain or booty, but of selfless service: Jer 22:17; Mt 20:28; Mr 10:45; 1Co 10:24; Jud 1:16. Even good motives do not justify the means!: Lu 9:54-55.
Su 5:36 * No one can buy his way out of God's judgment with earthly possessions: Mr 8:35-38; Lu 9:25; Lu 12:15-21.
* God punishes all sinners in the last judgment: Lu 11:42; Ro 2:2-3; Ro 3:19; 1Pe 4:17; Rev 20:4.
* The punishment is very painful: Mr 9:48; Jud 1:7; Rev 20:10; Rev 21:8.
* Not only unbelievers are subject to God's judgment, no, all the world is included in it because all have sinned: Ro 3:19.
* In the Bible it is said that God can judge believers already here on earth: 1Co 11:30; 1Pe 4:17.
* At the end of time there is the great judgment for believers. There they will be praised for all the good they have done in the name of Jesus Christ. Everything else will burn as in the fire. But they will be saved by because Jesus Christ has already paid for their guilt: 1Co 3:11-15.
* Believers will one day exercise the judgment of God even over angels together with the risen Christ: 1Co 6:3.
Su 5:37 * Those who are in the fire of hell want to escape: Lu 16:24-31.
* There will be eternal torment without end: Mt 25:46; Mr 9:48; Rev 21:8.
Su 5:38 * Robbers are not to have hands cut off in the Bible. They are to pay it back with a surcharge: Ex 22:1; Dt 24:7; Pro 6:30; Lu 19:8. * What is the relationship between someone who steals something that he can return and a hand that does not grow back when it is chopped off? Where does this disproportionate punishment come from in the Quran?
Su 5:39 * God forgives anyone who repents and turns from his evil ways: Ex 34:6-7; Eze 33:11-16; Mic 7:18. * Forgiveness was always connected with animal sacrifices Ex 29:36 and in the end with the final and unique sacrifice that God prepared for all mankind: Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for us. Without Jesus Christ there is no forgiveness: Lu 24:46-47; Heb 9:22; Heb 13:12. * If a robber, see previous verse, repents, how will his cut-off hand be returned to him?
Su 5:40 * God owns heaven and earth because he created them: Ge 1:1; Ex 20:11; Dt 10:14; Psa 73:25; Psa 89:12; Psa 121:2; Isa 45:12; Isa 45:18; Ac 14:15; Rev 14:7.
* God forgives: Neh 9:17; Mic 7:18; Ro 3:25.
* God has the power to do everything: Ge 18:14; Job 42:2; Jer 32:17; Mt 19:26; Mr 10:27; Lu 1:37; Lu 18:27.
* God will punish every sin even those of believers. God forgives sins exclusively when paid for. He does not simply turn a blind eye because He is a just God: Psa 7:12; Psa 62:12; Eze 33:11-16; Ho 4:9.* God created everything through his word. Jesus Christ is the Word of God. He created all things through him. Jn 1:1-3; Col 1:15-17; Heb 1:2.
* God does not forgive only whom he will. He forgives all who repent and believe in Christ. With absolute certainty, Eph 1:7; Eph 4:32; Col 1:14; 1Jo 5:13.
* God punishes only those who are guilty before him. He does not punish random whom he wills, but according to fixed rules, because he is a just God: Eze 14:4-28; Eze 33:8-20; Ro 6:23; Gal 3:10-13; Gal 3:22.
* God will create a new heaven and a new earth because the old ones will pass away: Psa 102:25-27; Isa 65:17; Hag 2:6; Lu 21:33; 2Pe 3:7; 2Pe 3:10-13; Rev 20:11; Rev 21:1.
Su 5:41 * God does not love the hypocrite: Psa 101:4; Isa 29:13-14; Mt 15:7-8.
* Some Jews (not all) listen to lies: Isa 29:13 and reject God's word: Jer 6:19; Jer 7:25-26; Jer 11:10; Jer 13:10; Jer 19:15; Jer 25:8; Mt 7:26.
* Ignorant distort the scriptures: 2Pe 3:16.
* All men are liars and need forgiveness: Psa 116:11; Ro 3:4; Ro 3:10-20.
* Believers should not believe or listen to prophets or teachers when they bring false teaching: Dt 18:22; Jer 14:14; Mt 24:11; 2Pe 2:1; 2Pe 3:17; 1Jo 4:1; 2Jo 1:7.
* Believers are to test whether something is in the Bible or whether it deviates from it: Ro 12:2; 1Th 5:21; 1Jo 4:1.
* Faith in fate in the Quran contrasts with election in the Bible on the one hand, and free will to accept or reject God's word on the other: Isa 28:12; Isa 30:9; Jn 5:40; Jn 8:44.
* God is all-powerful and will preserve his word even if people misinterpret or change it: Mt 24:35; Mr 13:31; Lu 21:33.
* God does not want to lead people astray. On the contrary, he wants all to be saved: 1Ti 2:4; 2Pe 3:9. God does not do this until people permanently reject him: Ex 4:21; 1Ki 22:21-23; 2Ch 18:19-22; 2Th 2:11.
How can one find out whether a teaching comes from God or not if one does not test it according to the standard of the Bible? The Quran here demands that one should not check whether something has already been revealed in the scripture before. Those condemned by the Quran warn against taking anything from Muhammad if his statements do not agree with the Bible. This is quite correct!
Su 5:42 * A prophet should always judge righteously: Ge 7:1; Dt 1:16; Dt 25:1; Pro 31:9; Tit 1:8.
* God loves those who are upright: Pro 16:13; 1Ki 9:4; 1Pe 3:12.
* All men were made upright, but they trifle: Ecc 7:20; Ecc 7:29.
* A prophet always answers those, even those with wrong motives, and calls them to repentance: Lu 5:32; Ro 2:5.
* Men may well do evil to prophets: Psa 37:14; Jer 5:23; Mt 23:28; Mt 23:34; Mt 23:37.
* God seeks and saves the very unrighteous: 1Pe 3:18.
Su 5:43 * Torah, the 5 books of Moses are God's instruction: Ex 18:16; Ex 20:1-17.
* He who turns away from the Torah and the Bible is not a believer: 1Ki 14:9; 2Ch 29:6; Neh 9:29; Jer 2:27; Eze 3:20; Gal 1:6.
How is it that today some Muslims claim that the Bible is no longer God's Word? Don't they contradict Allah in the Quran?
Su 5:44 * The Torah is given by God and it contains light and guidance: Psa 119:105; Jn 14:6; 2Pe 1:19.
* True prophets judge according to God's commands in the Bible: Lu 12:57; Jn 7:24; Jn 8:15.
* Believers are not to fear men, but God alone: Dt 31:6; Jos 1:6-9; Psa 115:11; Isa 35:4; Isa 44:8; Ac 4:19; Mt 10:26-28; Lu 12:4-5; Gal 1:10; Phil 1:21; Rev 14:7.
* No profit is to be made from the transmission of God's word: Hab 2:9; Mr 8:36; Ac 8:18-23; 1Ti 3:8; 1Ti 6:5; Tit 1:7; Heb 12:16; 2Pe 2:15.
* The Bible contains the Torah and it is not always revealed in direct dictation, but God speaks to the prophets and they sometimes relay the words of God in their own words in such a way that they are intelligible: Isa 63:7; Jer 30:2; Jer 36:2; Lu 1:1-4; Lu 24:6; Jn 14:26; Ro 1:1; 1Co 1:1; 1Co 14:37; 2Co 1:13; Gal 1:20; Eph 1:1; Col 1:1; 1Ti 1:1; 1Jo 1:4. God Himself sometimes writes His words, e.g., the 10 Commandments, in stone or directly on hearts: Ex 34:1; Dt 10:2; Jer 31:33.
Su 5:45 * God gives commandments in the Old Testament: Ex 15:26; Ex 20:1.
* An eye for an eye …, -retaliation: Ex 21:24; Lv 24:20; Dt 19:21; Jdg 1:6-7; 1Sa 15:33; Rev 16:6.
* He who does not act according to God's wisdom is unjust: Psa 82:2; Zep 3:5; Ro 1:29; 2Th 2:10.
* In the Old Testament, no one could buy his way out of retribution through money. Only in the case of slaves, if they were harmed, did they have to be set free: Ex 21:24. In the case of theft, the person caught had to pay back double: Ex 22:1-3; Ex 22:6-8.
* The retaliation “eye for an eye” was overcome by the commandment to love one's enemies: Mt 5:38-48; Lk 6:38.
* Why does the Quran require that the thief's hand be cut off? This commandment is disproportionate and is not found in the Bible.
Su 5:46 * Chronology is correct: Jesus Christ followed after the prophets: Lu 7:16; Mt 11:11; Lu 7:28; Jn 5:36. See Chronology of the Bible.
* Jesus Christ came not to abrogate but to confirm the commandments of the Torah and the whole Old Testament: Mt 5:17; Gal 4:4.
* Jesus Christ brought the gospel: Mr 1:15; 1Co 1:17; 2Ti 1:10.
* The gospel is the light and guidance of life: Pro 6:23; 2Ti 1:10.
* There is no “before Jesus Christ”, because Jesus Christ is BEFORE everything and everything was created through him and for him. He was already before the foundation of the universe and the world. He was at the side of God from the beginning and God created everything through him. He was already before Abraham: Jn 1:15; Jn 1:30; Jn 8:58; Jn 17:24; Ro 11:36; Col 1:16-20.
* The gospel is more than legal guidance; it is salvation, and it is Jesus Christ himself: Ac 8:35; Ac 11:20.
Su 5:47 * Christians are to judge according to the gospel everything that has been revealed to them: Jn 7:24; Ac 4:19; Ac 5:29; Gal 1:10.
* Anyone who rejects what God has truly revealed is sacrilegious: Dt 31:29; Jer 44:1-30.
* Why then do Muslims demand that Christians oppose what has been revealed to them: the substitutionary death on the cross and sonship of Jesus Christ? They are supposed to judge according to their scripture!
Su 5:48 * It is good to put fear of God above the fear of man: Pro 29:25; Dan 3:10-18; Mt 10:28; Lu 12:4; 1Pe 3:14; Rev 2:10.
* Prophets are not to follow the inclinations of men, but to do and proclaim God's commandments: Nu 22:38; 1Ki 22:14; Jer 23:28; Eze 3:17; Mt 15:12-14; 2Co 2:4; 2Co 2:17; 2Co 4:2; Gal 1:10.
* Jews and Christians are two distinct salvation-historical groups that God uses to bless all mankind: Jn 10:16; Ac 10:45; Ro 3:29; Ro 9:24; 1Co 1:23.
* Believers are to compete for good: Psa 69:10; Jn 2:17; Gal 4:18; 1Co 15:58; Tit 2:14; Rev 3:19.
* All shall be judged: Dan 12:2-3; Mt 24:31-32; Jn 5:29; Ac 24:15; Gal 6:8; Rev 20:11-15.
* Much that is unclear will become clear in the resurrection: Lu 8:17; Jn 3:20-21.
* The Islamic prophet did not confirm what was sent down before him. E.g., he changed commandments; permits eating camel meat; does not testify that Heavenly Father sent Son as Savior for all people: Mt 20:28; Mr 10:45; Lu 24:25-29; Ro 14:9; 1Co 12:3; 2Co 8:9; Phil 2:11. He has forsaken the teaching of the Bible, thus defying Allah's command.
* The Bible speaks of two flocks, not three flocks: Jn 10:16; Ac 10:45; Ro 3:29; Ro 9:24; 1Co 1:23.
* Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of God's commandments and does not abrogate them: Mt 5:17.
* No one can stand in the judgment of God except those who have accepted redemption in Jesus Christ: Mt 3:7; Lu 3:7; 1Th 1:10.
* God's judgment applies especially to people who have not accepted salvation in Jesus Christ: 1Th 1:10. But Christians who live with Jesus are also judged, but not to death: Ro 14:10; 1Co 3:13; 2Co 5:10.
Su 5:49 * A prophet should not follow the desires or false teachings of others: Jer 1:17; Eze 13:9; Gal 1:7; 1Jo 4:4; Rev 19:20.
* Prophets are in danger of departing from God: Ge 20:2; Ge 26:9; 1Ki13:20-22.
* Men are by nature rebels against God: Ge 8:21; Jer 3:25; Jer 22:21.
* God will judge people for their sins: 1Ch 15:33; Jl 4:12; Ac 17:31; 1Co 5:13; Heb 4:12; Heb 10:30; Rev 11:18.
* What the Islamic Prophet claims for himself, others can equally claim for themselves. They should not follow the desires and teachings of Islam if it contradicts the Scriptures: Dt 4:1-2; Dt 13:1-4; Dt 18:21-22; Ps 89:35; Isa 8:20; Mt 24:35.
* God will judge people not only for “part of their sins” but for all thoughts, words, and deeds: Mt 5: 27; Mt 11:23; Mt 12:36.
* Jesus will judge the living and the dead: Jn 5:22; Jn 5:27; Jn 12:48; 2Ti 4:1.
* Salvation from the judgment of God is only through Jesus Christ: Jn 5:24.
Su 5:50 * To make judgments based on ignorance is unwise. This also applies to matters of faith: Ac 3:17.
* Only God knows the truth and is truth. Therefore, in everything we should ask Him first: 2Sa 7:28; Psa 25:5; Psa 57:11; Psa 111:7; Psa 119:151; Jn 1:17; Jn 8:45; Jn 14:6.
* Wisdom and knowledge concerning faith is often not found in the great and famous of this world: 1Co 1:20-21.
* Jesus Christ is made unto us wisdom that counts before God: 1Co 1:24; 1Co 1:30; Col 2:3.
* Followers of Jesus Christ have received the wisdom that is pleasing to God: Eph 1:8.
* This wisdom can be prayed for and God gives it: Col 1:9; Jas 1:5.
* There is also a demonic wisdom that comes from the devil: Ro 1:25; Jas 3:15.
* Even believers who are absolutely and totally convinced of their opinions and beliefs can err. Sometimes these false teachings come directly from believers within their own ranks: 2Co 11:13-15; Ro 16:18; 2Pe 2:1.
Su 5:51 * The people of Israel were not to get involved with other peoples who did not know God and worship idols: Dt 6:14; Dt 7:16; Dt 12:30; Dt 29:17; Jos 23:7. * Christians are also to separate themselves from those who are false teachers: Eph 5:11; 1Ti 6:20; 2Ti 3:5; 2Jo 1:9-11 . But they are not commanded to cut themselves off and have no more contact with people who believe differently Jn 17:15; 1Co 5:10; 1Co 10:27; Phil 2:15.
* Christians can also have friendships with Jews, Muslims or people of other faiths and accept them as political leaders. In matters of faith, of course, those of other faiths have no say: 1Co 6:5-7.
* God can bless and use even a people who reject Him. He has wisdom that surpasses ours: Psa 92:8; Pro 28:12.
* It is strange that Jews and Christians, who have received their books from God according to Islam, suddenly cannot be tolerated as friends or patrons of Muslims.
Su 5:52 * Jesus Christ, as a prophet and savior, did not take military action. He did not have to fear that his followers would abandon him. He was ready to go his way all alone: Jn 6:67-68. This is completely absent from the Islamic prophet.
* Prophets in the Old Testament did not know “perhaps” if God will give a victory, but with certainty: Nu 13:30; 1Sa 30:8; 2Sa 5:19; Jer 38:3. This is not the case in the Quran. So not a true prophet?
The Islamic Prophet was concerned about followers who adhered to him only pro forma and would turn away from him in military battles.
Su 5:53 * Whoever does not follow his faith with action will be among those whom God will judge: Jas 2:18-20; Jas 2:26. * Men are saved by faith and not by works: Ro 4:6; Ro 3:20; Eph 2:8-10; 2Ti 1:9. He who is saved and loves Jesus Christ will keep his commandments: Jn 14:15; Jn 14:21-24.
* Jesus never called his followers to take up arms to extend or defend the faith: Mt 26:52-53.
* It is a spiritual battle. It is not a fight against people of other faiths, but against the powers of darkness. It takes spiritual weapons such as prayer, truth, righteousness, faith…. 2Co 10:4; Eph 6:10-18.
* Even in the Old Testament, the Israelites were not asked to spread their faith by force, weapons or war. They conquered the land of Canaan, locally, temporally, because God was exercising His judgment through them on the nations after 400 years, not to convert them: Ge 15:13-17.
Su 5:54 * God is able to give others and better for those who have called themselves believers but have turned away from God: Lu 3:8; Mt 21:43. * Whoever confesses Jesus Christ, even in the midst of rejection, will be honored by God: Mt 10:32.
* It is not a matter of always holding faithfully to someone, but holding to Him who alone is the truth, Jesus Christ: Jn 14:6. On the other hand, one should turn away from lies and false information and false doctrine: Mt 15:14; Eph 4:25; 2Pe 2:13; 2Pe 3:17; 1Jo 4:1; 2Jo 1:7; Rev 2:15.
Su 5:55 * God alone can protect: and save: Dt 4:35; Dt 32:6; 2Ki 19:15; Psa 86:10; Pro 29:25; Ho 13:4. * Prophets and believers cannot save, for they are only human: Psa 118:8-9; Psa 146:3; Jer 17:5-6; Ho 1:7; Zec 4:6.
* To be among those whom God loves, one need not be a Muslim, but believe in the Savior Jesus Christ: Ro 3:26; Gal 3:11-13. Nor need one perform works such as salat, zakat, or bow down ritually for prayer, salat: Eph 2:8-10.
Su 5:56 * God will always prevail in the end and judge all men: Rev 20:11-15. * God alone is worthy of our trust without reservation. Only his word will stand the test: Psa 18:31; Pro 30:5. All men, even prophets, can be used by Satan and must always withstand scrutiny before we go with them: Mt 16:23; Mr 8:33; Mr 14:70; Jn 18:25. God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ into the world so that through Him we might know God: 1Jo 5:20. Only He is 100% trustworthy: Jn 7:18.
Su 5:57 * We are not to give our faith to people who only make fun of it: Mt 7:6. * Every religion is mocked by certain people again and again. But it is in this that faith must prove itself: Mt 22:6; Mt 26:67; Mt 27:27-30; Mt 27:39-44; 2Pe 3:3; Jud 1:18.
* Every religion must allow itself to be challenged and criticized in order to find out whether it is a matter of lies or truth. Those who want to stop this make themselves guilty again because they do not want to face up to it.
Su 5:58 * God does not require us to make certain movements in prayer as prescribed in the Salat. People made fun of this at that time. As if bowing down or not would bring someone closer to God. These are only outward appearances that do not matter. To prescribe these is not right: Col 2:17-23; 1Ti 4:3; Heb 8:5.
* Who does not understand correctly here? The author of the Quran or his critics. This question must be asked even as a Muslim.
Su 5:59 * A true prophet must also endure being criticized. All prophets have met with opposition: Jer 1:17-19. But they never changed or overturned the understanding of the previous scriptures. The Quran, on the other hand, interprets the biblical message flattened to fit Muhammad: Sura 12. It communicates a message without historical or geographical involvement. Even though the Islamic prophet claims that the Bible was revealed by God, he violates it. Anyone who knows and believes the Bible can recognize the author of the Quran as a rebel against God's truth.
* The revelation of the Quran contradicts the Bible in many places. For example, according to Old Testament understanding, camel meat must not be eaten: Lv 11:4; Dt 14:7. A pilgrimage to Mecca, a ritual prayer, a fast for a month is not prescribed by God in the Bible. They are human laws: Mt 15:3; Mk 7:3; Mk 7:8-9. Jesus Christ is rejected as the Son of God and Savior who died on the cross for our guilt. From this point of view, the rejection by Christians and Jews is only understandable.
The Islamic prophet was rejected by Jews and Christians because he advocated things that were rejected by the Bible and could not show any signs of divine authorization or even miracles.
Su 5:60 * God judges rebellious people and nations: Psa 106:18; Eze 2:3; Ho 10:9.
* God's wrath can be of various degrees: Eze 16:48-49; Mt 10:15; Mt 11:24; Lu 10:12. See also punishments in the book of Revelation.
* God especially punishes idolatry, by which people forsake God: Dt 11:16-17; Dt 18:20; Jos 23:16; Isa 42:17; Zep 2:11; Col 3:5-6.
* Humans are God's image: Ge 1:26-27! He has not and will not turn them into apes and pigs. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that.
* Even the wicked Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, when he lost his mind as punishment, he remained human. Even though he ate grass like an ox. After Nebuchadnezzar gave glory to God, he returned to normal and was restored as king: Dan 4:13; Dan 4:22; Dan 4:31-33.
* God punished the people of Israel, the Jews, but did not finally cast them out: Ro 9:5-6; Ro 9:29; Ro 11:2; Ro 11:5-6; Ro 11:15; Ro 11:17-25.
* God's promises to Israel remain for all time even if He must punish. Israel will be saved at the end of time: Ro 11:26-29.
Su 5:61 * Hypocrisy exists always in some people: Isa 48:1; Gal 2:14; Gal 4:17; Phil 1:17.
* People often hide their true motives: Jn 2:25; Phil 1:18.
* To call all Jews hypocrites is surely wrong: Jn 1:47.
* God wants us to be open and honest with one another without ulterior motives: Col 3:9; 1Th 2:3.
* God does not lie and we are to imitate Him: 1Sa 15:29; Pro 14:5; Col 3:9; Tit 1:2; Heb 6:18; Jas 3:14.
* When people are forced into a religion like Islam, there are certainly some who seem to pretend to go along, but in their hearts they do not. This begs the question, why does a religion force people to do something?
Su 5:62 * Many people are earthly minded and seek earthly gain: Mt 6:19-10; Mt 19:21-22; Lu 12:21; Phil 3:19. * Not only unbelievers can sin, but also those who fear God and want to obey Him. Therefore, it is always good to be self-critical. Muslims should do the same: 1Co 10:12-13; Col 3:1-6.
Su 5:63 * Jewish scholars are addressed in this sura: Mt 23:27. There were always those who proclaim commandments of God and do them themselves and also the opposite: Mt 5:17-20; Mt 7:24-29. * In Islam, too, there is a lot of preaching, not always the right thing, and often little implementation. What, then, is the difference between this and other faiths, where things are just the same? It is not only about whether people implement any commandments. Rather, it is about whether these commandments correspond to the truth and are then also implemented: Mt 7:21-23.
* Jesus Christ declared all food to be pure. Therefore, it is not forbidden for Christians to eat anything. On the contrary, the Christian faith condemns religious food commandments such as those required in Islam: Mt 15:17-20; Mr 7:18-23; Ac 10:15; Ac 11:9; Ro 14:17; Col 2:21-22.
Su 5:64 * With God all things are possible and nothing prevents Him from doing anything: Nu 23:19; Jer 32:17; Jer 32:27;
Mr 10:27; Mr 14:36; Lu 18:27.
* People often do not trust God enough: Psa 73:11; Psa 78:19.
* Everything is under God's control. Even the developments of wars and of nations are subject to his rule: Psa 46:10; Psa 94:23; Mt 24:6.
* It is not only the Jews who underestimate God's power. Everyone is in danger of underestimating God and His power, including Muslims and people of other religions: Lu 18:8.
* The words of the Quran cause much contradiction among the Jews. This is because the Quran does not adhere to the revelation that was given before, the Taurat, Zabur and Incil. Believers are to test every claim and prophet against the Scriptures: Dt 13:1-6; Mt 7:15-23; Eph 5:10; 1Th 5:21; 1Jo 4:1.
* God does not create enmity and hatred. That would contradict his character of love and truth: 1Jo 3:10; 1Jo 4:8; 1Jo 4:20. But he can give people over to their sins that it becomes more and more visible what is in them: Ro 1:24-26. But God can decree terrible judgments on wicked people and nations: Dt 32:42; Zec 11:7-11.
* God's judgment is on all people who do not accept his salvation in Jesus Christ: Lu 3:7; 1Th 1:10; Rev 11:18; Rev 15:1 and are not in the book of life: Psa 69:29; Phil 4:3; Rev 3:5; Rev 20:12-15.
* All men have sinned and need the forgiveness that only God can grant, not just the Jews. All are capable of instigating wars and committing bestiality: Jas 4:1. all men are mischief-makers: Psa 10:7; Psa 55:11; Psa 59:13; Psa 88:4; Ro 3:4.
* God loves the sinner to save him: Jn 3:16; Ro 8:39; 1Jo 3:19; 1Jo 4:9-10.
* This Quranic verse has led Muslims to hate Jews. They accuse Jews of being behind every riot, behind every war. Conspiracy theories flourish among Muslims that are not true. God will judge all who spread lies.
Su 5:65 * God forgives when people repent of their evil deeds and believe in the salvation He has prepared: 1Ki 8:33; 2Ch 7:14; Ro 1:16; Ro 10:10. * The only thing that saves people is repentance from their sins and believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for their guilt. There is no other condition for the forgiveness of all sins. If Muslims believed this, they would be saved like all other people: Jn 3:16; 1Th 5:9; 1Th 1:10; Rev 1:5; Rev 7:10.
* Gardens of delight are not the goal in the future, but fellowship with God Himself in purity, love and truth in a new heaven and a new earth: Isa 65:17; 2Pe 3:13; Rev 21:1-5.
Su 5:66 * Jews were to obey their covenant with God at Sinai and would then be blessed: Dt 4:40; Dt 5:29; Dt 6:2; Dt 30:16; 1Ki 3:14; Psa 119:5; Pro 4:4.
* Christians should stick to their covenant with God through Christ and are blessed by it: Jn 13:34; Jn 14:21 1Jo 2:7-8; 2Jo 1:5.
There are true Christians and Jews and those who are so in name only: Rev 2:9; Rev 3:9
* No one is saved by keeping the commandments: Ro 3:10-20. Israel was not able: Ex 16:28; Gal 3:10.
* Therefore, Jesus Christ died on the cross for our guilt so that we might be acquitted: Mt 26:28; Mr 14:24; Ro 3:21-24; Gal 3:10.
* Even among Muslims, there are many who do not really follow Islam. It is a common disease that when commandments are made, we are unable to follow them as a whole. This is exactly why a change of heart is needed. The salvation through Jesus Christ.
Su 5:67 * A prophet must proclaim God's message: Am 3:8.* A prophet must proclaim God's message: Am 3:8.
* Responsibility if the prophet does not pass it on: Eze 3:18-20.
* God can protect the prophet against his adversaries: Isa 48:4; Jer 1:17-19.
* False prophets also think of themselves as having to carry their message and lead many astray: Dt 13:1-6; Dt 18:20; Eze 13:2-3; Eze 14:9; Zec 13:3; Rev 19:20; Rev 20:10.* False prophets also think of themselves as having to carry their message and lead many astray: Dt 13:1-6; Dt 18:20; Eze 14:9; Zec 13:3; Rev 19:20; Rev 20:10.
* God also desires to guide unbelievers in His truth: Ro 5:8, but if they persistently resist, he will leave them to themselves: 1Ki 14:16; 2Ch 29:8; Psa 81:13; Jer 24:8; Eze 15:6; Ro 1:24; Ro 1:26; Ro 1:28.
* Almost all the true prophets were murdered for speaking the truth: 1Ki 19:10; Ac 7:52; Ro 11:3. They also murdered Jesus Christ the Savior and many of his followers: Mt 27:35; Mr 14:32; Lu 24:20; Jn 19:23; Ac 7:59.
Su 5:68 * Believers can only appeal to their Scriptures: Jos 1:8; 1Ki 2:3; Lu 18:31; Lu 20:17; Ro 15:4; 1Co 4:6; Rev 1:3.
* The Old and New Testaments of the Jews and Christians are the authentic Word of God for Muslims as well! Why then do Muslims not accept it today?
* New revelations must always coincide with the earlier revelations: Dt 18:20; Mt 7:15-22. But the Quran does not coincide with the Old and New Testaments of the Jews and Christians in many crucial statements. Therefore, the Quran is to be rejected: Gal 5:7; 2Ti 4:4; 2Pe 3:3. This has nothing to do with unbelief, but with truth, which alone we are to follow.
* Why would God have said that a prophet should not be grieved at the unbelief of unbelievers. Jesus was grieved and so is God and all prophets rightly grieved over unbelief: Jn 16:21-22; Ro 9:2; 2Co 2:3; 2Co 2:5; Heb 12:11.
Su 5:69 * Christians and Jews are saved when they accept His redemption in His Word: Ro 5:1; Ro 5:10; Ro 9:27; Ro 10:13; Ro 11:26; 1Co 1:18; 1Jo 5:10-13.
* Judgment day and the judgment of God are coming: Ro 2:3; Ro 3:19; Rev 20:4.
* Muslims, Sabians, Jews, Christians and other religious people or even unbelievers are not saved by good works: Eph 2:8-10.
* Unless people accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, they will be lost in eternal fire: Mt 23:33; Lu 12:5; Rev 21:8.
* All have sinned: Ro 5:12; 1Jo 5:19. All have lost glory before God: Ro 3:23.
* Perfect love and security in God drives out all fear: 1Jo 4:18.
Su 5:70 * God made a covenant with Israel, an agreement that both sides were to keep: Ex 34:27; Lv 24:8; Jos 7:11.
* God sends his messengers: Jer 7:25; Jer 25:4; Jer 35:15; Jer 44:4.
* Israel often rejects the prophets sent by God. Some call them liars, others kill them: 1Ki 22:24-25; Jer 9:2; Jer 23:32; Mt 5:11; Mt 21:39; Mt 22:6; Mt 23:37; Lu 13:34; Ac 10:39.
* Muslims have also rejected and killed many messengers of God throughout their history. These messengers wanted to bring Muslims the good news of God's offer of reconciliation. They rejected them.
* God already made a covenant with Noah (Ge 6:18; Ge 9:16) and with Abraham (Ge 15:18; Ge 17:2). These covenants were one-sided. God obligated Himself to keep them without anything in return. Different was the covenant with Moses, which was two-sided (Ex 19:5; Ex 34:10; Ex 34:27). God would bring blessings or curses (Dt 29:9) depending on whether the people obeyed him or followed idols (Dt 31:20).
Su 5:71 * Israel often thought it would get away with its idolatry. God would not see it: Job 35:13; Psa 10:11; Psa 94:7; Psa 139:1-7; Pro 5:21; 1Co 4:5.
* Israelites were often blind and deaf: Isa 42:18-20; Isa 43:8.
* God accepts genuine repentance and conversion while it is still grace time. But even this time of grace has an end: Jdg 2:16-18; Ro 3:23; Ro 5:12.
* Repeated sin marks Israel, but also all people: Jdg 2:19.
* God sees all that goes on in people: Psa 139:2; Jer 17:10; 1Co 14:24-25; Heb 4:12; Rev 2:23.
* Let him who stands see that he does not fall: 1Co 10:12. This also applies to Christians and Muslims. Israel shows us what man is capable of. Exactly the same sinful behavior we find in all people: Ro 2:12; Ro 5:12. Only through Jesus Christ is a lasting circumcision, a lasting change of heart possible: Eze 18:31; Eze 36:26; Jn 3:3; Jn 3:7; Col 2:11.
Su 5:72 * It is blasphemy to claim of God what he is not: Dt 27:15.
* Jesus Christ is the Son of Mary: Mt 1:18-23; Lu 1:35; Lu 2:5-7.
* Jesus is the Christ. That is, the one specially chosen by God for a special task: Mt 16:16.
* Nothing may be associated with God. No other gods may be assigned to him: Ex 15:11; Dt 27:15; Dt 32:31; 1Ki 14:9; Psa 96:5; Psa 97:7; Isa 42:17; Jer 1:16; Jer 2:11; 1Jo 5:21.
* There is eternal hellfire, which is actually intended for the devil and demons, but people who reject God's offer of salvation will also end up there: Mt 24:41; Rev 19:20; Rev 20:11-15.
* When God's time of grace is over, there is final judgment and no escape from it: Rev 20:11-15; Rev 22:14-15.
* Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary is the Son of God: Mt 8:29; Mt 26:63-64; Lu 1:35; Lu 22:70; Jn 1:34; Jn 1:49; Jn 11:4; Jn 11:27; Jn 19:7; Jn 20:31; 1Co 12:3; Gal 2:20; 1Jo 3:8; 1Jo 4:15; 1Jo 5:10; 1Jo 5:12; Rev 2:18. He is God himself who became man: Phil 2:6-8. He so humbled himself that he became man: Phil 2:6-11. He was tempted by the devil: Mt 4:1; Lu 4:2. But he is the only one who remained without sin: Mt 4:11; Lu 4:13; Jn 8:46. He alone can bear sins as an atoning sacrifice for others: Col 1:19-20.
* This quote, “But said Christ: “O Children of Israel! worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.”” in the Quran is nowhere found in the Bible. In contrast: Jn 10:30; Jn 14:1 and Jn 20:17.
* It is blasphemy to claim that God is NOT the Heavenly Father and that Jesus Christ is NOT His Son: Gal 1:8-9; Heb 1:2-6.
* Muslims are barred the way to salvation with this Quranic verse. They cannot be saved unless they believe that Jesus is the great “I AM”, God: Jn 1:18; Jn 15:24; Phil 2:6; Col 1:15-20; Heb 1:3; Heb 1:8.
* God will finally judge and destroy all evil. Then only God will remain. As it was intended in the beginning in Paradise: Rev 21:27: Rev 22:13-15.
* This is the critical point of salvation and lostness. From the Muslims' point of view, declaring Jesus God Himself is the sure way to hell. For Christians, on the other hand, it is the only way of the salvation of hell. Whoever refuses to call Jesus Lord, Yahweh, the big I AM, remains under the wrath of God and is lost for eternity. But whom should people believe more, a man who was the only witness of his revelation, the Quran or trust the 40 witnesses of the Bible starting from the 1st book of Moses to Revelation? They point to Jesus Christ as the Son of God and God Himself who became man. Whoever rejects this unique offer of God in Jesus Christ for reconciliation remains on the way to hell.
* This teaching that Jesus is not God originates from the Arian controversy within Christianity. The priest Arius lived from 260-327 A.D. According to his teaching, strict monotheism was valid. God was the Father alone. The Son and the Holy Spirit, on the other hand, were not God. Since the Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.), this Arian doctrine has been considered false. Islam has arisen quite certainly from the Arian false doctrine and was continued, so that there is not even the father in the heaven any more, but only Allah/God. The Christian doctrine, on the other hand, is that God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit are consubstantial God. There are many proofs for this in the Bible. God is greater than Muslims can believe.
Su 5:73 * God is alone God and not one of three gods: Dt 4:35; Dt 4:39; Dt 6:4; 1Sa 2:2; 2Ch 20:6; Isa 44:6; Isa 44:8; Isa 45:5; Isa 45:18; Isa 45:21-23; Mr 12:29. * Jesus Christ is God: Psa 2:11-12; Mt 25:31-32; Mr 2:6-10; Jn 1:1-3; Jn 5:18; Jn 5:23 see Isa 42:8; Jn 9:38; Jn 10:30; Jn 12:45; Jn 14:7-9; Jn 19:7; Ac 7:59; 2Co 4:4; Phil 2:6-7; Col 1:13-17; Tit 2:10-13; Heb 1:2-3; Heb 1:6; Heb 1:8-9; 2Pe 1:1; Rev 19:13.
* God is the first and the last: Isa 44:6; Jesus is the first and the last: Rev 1:13-17.
* The Holy Spirit is God: Jn 4:23-24; Jn 14:26; Jn 15:26; Jn 16:7; 1Co 2:10; Heb 9:14; 1Pe 1:11; 2Pe 1:20-21.
* The Father is God: Jn 5:18; Jn 6:27; Jn 6:46; Jn 8:42; Jn 8:54; Jn 10:36; Jn 13:3; Jn 16:27; Jn 20:17; 1Co 8:6; 2Co 1:2; Eph 1:2; 2Pe 1:17; 1Jo 5:1; 2Jo 1:9.
* God is one being, yet three persons: Ge 1:1-3; Ge 18:1-2; 1Co 8:6; Mt 28:19; 2Co 13:14. False, on the other hand, is polytheism. False also is that the Son is only a creature or the Holy Spirit only an impersonal power. God is three persons in one God. All three persons exist eternally. God also meets us as Father, who forgives our sins and calls us into His family. God also meets us as the Son, who justifies us through his death on the cross and draws us into fellowship with the Father. And God also meets us as the Spirit who sanctifies us and transforms us into the image of the Son. This is how we will also experience God in eternity: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
* God is greater than Muslims suppose: Isa 55:8. Who could comprehend God except He reveals Himself, which He did in Jesus Christ: Jn 1:18. Jesus has reigned with the Father in his glory before time was created: Jn 17:5.
* God punishes the one who rejects his Son: Jn 3:36; Jn 5:23; 1Jo 2:22; 1Jo 5:10-12; 2Jo 1:9.
* We speak of the Trinity even though this term does not appear in the Bible. But the realization that God has always been Father, Son and Holy Spirit is fundamental in the Bible. Likewise, the concept of “tauhid” does not occur in the Quran, which states that there is only one God. But the concept that there is only one God is one that no Muslim will dispute and is ubiquitous in the Quran.
* It should not surprise us that the nature of God is more complicated in its composition than the nature of man. Even man seems to be more complicated in nature compared to animals. He is able, as the saying goes, “to deal with himself.” He is able to analyze himself - that is, his behavior, his motives, his goals, etc. - thus serving as both subject and object of his observations. How much more diverse and complicated must be the nature of God compared to that of man. That it exceeds our ability to comprehend his essence is thus quite to be expected.
Su 5:74 * God is pleased to forgive: Isa 43:25; Isa 55:7; Mt 9:13; Lu 7:47; Lu 15:10.
* Repentance is voluntary and cannot be forced: Isa 30:15; Jer 35:13; Jn 5:40; 2Co 7:9; Heb 12:17.
* Forgiveness is only through the blood of the Son of God: Mt 26:28; Ac 13:38-39; Ro 5:16-21; Eph 1:6-8; 1Jo 2:2. * There are verses in the Quran that suggest that people who do not want to convert to Islam voluntarily must either pay a bounty as punishment (Cizre for Jews and Christians) or be killed (for polytheists). This is the opposite of freedom of belief that Christians advocate and God prescribes in the Bible.
Su 5:75 * Jesus Christ, the son of Mary was a prophet of God, the Messiah: Mt 13:57; Mt 21:11; Mr 6:4; Lu 24:19; Jn 4:44; Jn 6:14.
* Mary and Jesus ate like ordinary people: Mt 26:17; Mt 26:26; Mr 14:22; Lu 22:19.
* Even before Jesus Christ there were other messengers and prophets: Heb 1:1-4.
* But Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary was more than just a messenger. He is God himself who became man. This was long announced: Isa 9:6; Mal 3:1.
* Mary, the mother of Jesus, was special, but she was as much one of the sinful descendants of Adam as anyone else: Ro 3:10. She too needed redemption through her Son, Jesus Christ. He who took on human form in her as the living God: Mt 12:48; Mr 3:33-35.
* The fact that Jesus Christ had to eat normally and go to the toilet does not exclude Him from being God in the flesh. He humbled himself in this way. Bowel movements are not evil in themselves, for Adam and Eve also had this need after they ate. It was like that even before they sinned. It was not a problem for God and not sinful: Mt 15:17-20; Mr 7:18-23.
* Those who argue falsely need not be surprised when people are not persuaded: Lu 12:57; Jn 7:24; Jn 12:48.
Su 5:76 * Freedom of people in their faith: 2Co 32:15; Mt 24:23; Lu 22:67; Jn 5:47; Jn 6:36; Jn 8:24; Jn 8:45-46; Jn 10:25-26; Jn 10:38; 2Th 2:2; 1Pe 2:7; 1Jo 4:1.
* Idols are not living gods that could help or harm: Jer 2:8; Jer 10:1-6; Jer 10:8-10; Jer 16:19.
* Only God is the living God who hears all things and knows all things: Jos 22:22; 1Sa 25:34; 2Sa 22:47; 1Ki 17:1; Psa 18:47; Jer 10:10; Ro 8:27; 2Co 11:31; Heb 7:25.
* Jesus Christ is alive today and enthroned with the Father: Dan 7:13-14; Mr 16:19; Lu 22:69; Ac 2:33; Ac 7:55-56; Col 3:1; Heb 10:12.
* Jesus Christ has all authority in heaven and on earth: Mt 24:30; Mt 28:18; Mr 14:62.
* Jesus Christ is not an idol or man declared to be a god. He is God who became man and ascended back to God the Father and now reigns: Ro 8:34; Heb 12:2; 1Pe 3:22.
Su 5:77 * To exaggerate and go beyond the truth is evil: Jer 9:4; Dan 8:12; 2Ti 2:18.
* Following one's own desires and dreams rather than believing what God has revealed is evil: Jer 23:28; Jer 28:9; 2Ti 4:3.
* People have always gone astray: Psa 81:13; Pro 10:17; Pro 19:3; Isa 53:6; Isa 64:4; Jer 50:6; Dan 9:13; Tit 3:3; 2Pe 2:15.
* Those who claim false teachings about God lead others away from the faith: Psa 50:18; Ho 7:3; Mr 14:10-11; Ro 1:32; 2Ti 2:18.
* God is truth: Nu 23:19; 1Sa 15:29; Psa 119:151; Psa 119:160; Pro 8:7; Isa 25:1; Isa 45:19; Tit 1:2.
* Jesus Christ is truth in person: Jn 14:6.
* The Holy Spirit is truth in person: Jn 14:17; Jn 15:26; Jn 16:13; 1Jo 4:6; 1Jo 5:6.
* We must neither add to nor take away from Scripture: Dt 4:2; Dt 13:1; Jos 1:7; Pro 30:6; Mt 5:18; Mt 15:2-9; Mr 7:1-13; Gal 3:15; 1Co 4:6; Rev 22:18-19.
* To what extent does Islam go beyond what is written in the Bible? For example, when it claims that Jesus is not the Son of God and was not crucified. God will punish terribly all who teach falsehood: Dt 4:24; Psa 97:3; Isa 66:15; 1Co 4:6; 2Th 1:8; Heb 10:29; Rev 21:8.
* We are always to speak the truth: Ex 20:16; Lv 19:11; Zep 3:13; Zep 8:16; Jn 8:45-46; Ro 9:1; Eph 4:25; Gal 4:16; Col 3:9; 1Ti 2:7; Jas 3:14.
* He who has Satan as father will always spread lies even about God: Jn 8:44.
Su 5:78 * Many children of Israel were unbelievers from the beginning until the time of Jesus Christ and even today: Nu 16:2; Nu 26:9; Eze 23:4-7; Mr 16:16. But not all! * Neither David nor Jesus Christ curse the unbelievers of the children of Israel. They speak of consequences of unbelief: Psa 7:7; Mt 5:25; Mt 11:20-22; Mt 23:33. Or Jesus Christ did not do many miracles: Mt 13:58. Mr 9:19. But they do not curse, on the contrary. They bless, and all followers of Jesus are to bless, those who disbelieve and reject their message: Psa 106:23; Jer 18:20; Lu 6:28; Lu 23:34; Ac 7:60; Ro 12:14; 1Pe 3:9.
* Although Jesus Christ will appear as world judge: Jn 5:22; Jn 5:27, in his lifetime on earth he had not come to judge but to save the lost: Eze 34:16; Mt 1:21; Mt 10:6; Mt 15:24; Mt 18:11; Lu 19:10; Ro 5:6; 1Ti 1:13-16; 1Jo 4:9-14.
Su 5:79 * Some false prophets do not forbid the forbidden and vice versa: Eze 8:10-12; Mt 24:11; 2Pe 2:1; 1Jo 4:1; Rev 19:20. * As a rule, the children of Israel were well aware of what was forbidden and what was permitted. The 10 commandments and 613 Mosaic laws in total were and are conscious to the people of Israel. But that did not prevent many from transgressing them: Jos 1:8; Psa 78:5; Ac 15:21.
* God's word and his will were known through the written record: Ex 24:12; Dt 28:58; 1Ki 2:3; Mt 4:4; Mt 4:7; Mt 11:17; Jn 15:25; Ro 12:19.
Su 5:80 * In Nehemiah's time there were also Jews who took bribes from non-Jews and conspired with them, which Jews were not permitted to do: Neh 6:12-14; Neh 13:23-24; Neh 13:27. * Christians are allowed to live together with non-Christians and even start friendships with them. This is not a problem as long as they keep their values and share the gospel with their friends as well: Jn 17:15-16; 1Co 5:9-10. * Muhammad saw some of his followers take non-Muslims as (business) friends and leave him. That's when he resorts to the strongest deterrent: hellfire. This verse makes it difficult for Muslims to integrate in Muslim countries. Christians, on the other hand, have no problem doing so without compromising their doctrine.
Su 5:81 * Muhammad is outraged that those who pretend to be Muslims but do not believe in Allah, in Muhammad and the Quran, accept his enemies as friends and authorities. Jesus Christ also knew about hypocrites and those who did not believe in him. He was sovereign over them and did not have to curse or threaten: Jn 3:12; Jn 5:38; Jn 5:47, as Mohammed does here in frustration. Jesus Christ knew he would die and rise again: Mt 20:19; Mt 23:34; Jn 10:17-18. Jesus knew he would go to his Father in heaven: Jn 14:12; Jn 16:10 and therefore was not dependent on men: Jn 2:24.
Su 5:82 * Christians (monks and priests at that time) are friendly to Muslims. This is because Jesus Christ tells his followers to love even their enemies: Mt 5:44; Lu 6:27; Lu 6:35. They are not to repay evil with evil, but to do good even to their enemies: Ro 12:17; 1Pe 3:9. Even though Muslims have a different doctrine of faith that contradicts the faith of Christians, they are people created and loved by God. Perhaps God will still give them a chance to come to faith in the Savior Jesus Christ and be saved. Despite this positive attitude, Christians are strongly persecuted by Muslims all over the world. * Some polytheists and Jews are hostile to Muslims. This is due to the claim of Muhammad, who claims to be a true prophet in the line of the Bible. He cannot fulfill the requirements of a true prophet for Jews and Christians. These include signs, prophecy, miracles, faithful adherence to previous teaching, good ethical fruit, and accepting Jesus Christ as the Son of God: Dt 18:15-22; Mt 7:14-21; Ro 10:9; 1Co 12:3; Gal 5:22-12. E.g. Muhammad eats camel meat, which is forbidden for Jews: Lv 11:4; Dt 14:7.
Su 5:83 * Faith comes from preaching: Ro 10:17. * There are also false preachers who teach false things. People who believe them come into false dependence and not to eternal life: Jer 5:31; Jer 23:28-29; Mt 7:15; Mt 24:11; Mt 24:24; Ac 13:6; 2Ti 4:3-4; 2Pe 2:1; 1Jo 4:1; Rev 16:13.
* True faith corresponds to preaching the truth that Jesus Christ is the Savior: Lu 8:11; Ro 1:16; Ro 10:14-17; 1Co 1:18-25; 2Co 2:17; Phil 3:20; Col 1:4-6; Tit 1:4; Jud 1:25.
* Emotions and conversions to a faith do not provide assurance of truth: Pro 23:33; Mr 6:22; Ac 12:22.
Su 5:84 * People want to hear the truth and seek assurance of salvation: Psa 27:1; Lu 2:38; Lu 3:6. * Assurance of salvation from God's final judgment and fellowship with God is found only in Christian faith in the Savior Jesus Christ: Ro 3:24; Eph 1:14; Heb 5:9; Heb 9:12; 1Pe 1:5; 1Jo 5:13; Rev 7:10. * Certainty of salvation and paradise does not exist for Muslims. It depends on many things, such as good works and the predestination of Allah.
Su 5:85 * By the confession of right faith a man is saved: Ro 10:10 * Confession of the truth through the Son of God is crucial to eternal salvation: Mt 26:28; Ro 10:8-10; 1Jo 2:23; 1Jo 4:15.
Su 5:86 * People reject God's word even when they see miracles: Jn 9:16; Jn 9:27; Jn 10:37-38; Jn 11:47 + Jn 11:53; Jn 14:11.
* Whoever rejects God and his message goes to hell fire: Psa 5:6; Pro 11:7.
* There is the eternal fire of hell: Mr 9:43-44; Mr 9:45-48; Lu 12:5; Jas 3:6.
* Not whoever rejects Muhammad and his message will go to hellfire. But he who rejects Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior goes to hell fire: Jn 12:48; Ro 2:16; Heb 10:29-31. But this happens mainly because he will die in his sins and has no substitute for his guilt before God: Mr 9:43-44; Jas 3:6; Rev 20:12; Rev 20:15. He rejected the substitution of Jesus Christ on the cross: Ro 6:6; Gal 3:13 and will therefore end up in hellfire himself for his guilt: 1Co 1:18; 2Th 1:7-9. God actually intended hellfire for Satan and his fallen angels (demons): Mt 25:41. But people will also end up there who reject God's offer of salvation through the cross Eph 1:7; Col 1:22 and have no eternal life: Jn 3:36; Jn 6:53.
* Whoever rejects the message of the followers of Jesus rejects Jesus Christ. And he who rejects Jesus Christ rejects God himself: Lu 10:16.
* Muhammad did not perform miraculous signs, even though Muslims claim that the moon was split by Muhammad or that the Koran is a sign. Compared to the miracles of Jesus, this is not enough. It is these signs of Christ that should make us think: Mr 16:20; Jn 2:11; Jn 4:54; Jn 6:2; Jn 6:14; Jn 7:31; Jn 9:16; Jn 10:41; Jn 11:47; Jn 12:37; Jn 20:30.
* God does not want anyone to be lost: Mt 18:14; Lu 15:4; Lu 19:10; Jn 3:16; Jn 10:28.
Su 5:87 * Some think they need to make their religion more stringent by adding prohibitions: Dt 4:2; Col 2:20-23.
* Others transgress what God has forbidden and delete that commandment to justify themselves: Dt 4:2; Neh 9:26; Psa 78:56; Eze 20:13.
* Many things that Muslims forbid were not forbidden and were later introduced as prohibitions by the Quran. E.g. fasting in Ramadan, obligatory five times daily ritual prayer, pilgrimage, prohibition of religious activity for women in their menstrual period, prohibition of criticizing the religion, drinking alcohol, interest, breaking promises, etc. Other things were allowed that are forbidden in the Bible: e.g. more than one wife, spreading religion through violence, white lies, ritual purifications, beating disobedient wives, cursing, etc . So this Quranic verse is an example of how the Quran abolishes itself.
Su 5:88 * We are allowed to eat from what God gives us
* We should thank God for giving us all this: 1Co 10:30; 1Ti 4:4
* There is nothing we are not allowed to eat. Everything is permitted. There is no more unclean food. It is wrong to forbid certain foods: Mr 7:19; Col 2:21-23; 1Ti 4:3-4.
Su 5:89 * You can swear something to God: Ge 21:24; 1Sa 20:17; Neh 5:12; Heb 6:16.
* God will punish the one who does not keep his oath: Lv 5:4-6; Zep 1:5-7.
* In the same way, people must not deceive others by lying and taking false oaths: Col 3:9. God will also hold them accountable for this: Rev 22:15.
* One of the 10 commandments (no. 3) is that we must not take God's name in vain: Ex 20:7; Dt 5:11. e.g. by not swearing falsely: Lv 19:12. This was punishable by death in the Old Testament.
* Jesus Christ completely forbids us from swearing because we are unable to keep an oath: Mt 5:33-37; Mt 26:74. But oaths not kept make us completely guilty before God. God does not leave unpunished those who swear falsely. We cannot make up for a false oath through good works. Neither fasting, nor giving clothes to the poor, nor ransoming slaves will help. We have broken our promise to God. God is very hard and there is only one chance to be set free again, either to keep the oath or to repent and be forgiven by God, who sent his Son to die on the cross for us. Precisely for such offenses! This is already shown in the Old Testament with the animal sacrifices: Lv 5:4-6
* Lying and swearing falsely deprives people of eternal life. They therefore go to hell, the second death: Rev 22:15.
Su 5:90 * People who believe in God should be different from unbelievers in the way they live: Mt 5:46-48; Ro 12:2
* God hates idolatry. It is forbidden and has serious consequences: Dt 7:25; Dt 12:30; 1Sa 7:6; 1Sa 15:23; 1Ki 14:22; Jer 44:22; Eze 22:4; Mr 13:14; 1Co 10:14; 1Co 10:21; Eph 5:5; 1Pe 4:3; Rev 21:27.
* Unbelievers can also be very successful in this world at the moment. But when God judges us on the day of judgment, it will be shown to have been pointless: Job 21:7; Job 27:19; Psa 12:8; Psa 73:16-20; Psa 92:7; Lu 12:16-21; Lu 16:19-23; Rev 21:8
* Gambling is not necessarily forbidden in the Bible. But no one should get rich from the misfortune of others. This contradicts love: Mt 7:12; Mt 22:39. Today there is pension planning through shares, in which there can be losses and gains. This is not forbidden, but can be wise
* In the Old Testament, priests were to cast lots to bring about a decision. This was a procedure in which God could certainly show his will: Lv 16:8; Jos 18:6; Isa 34:17. In the New Testament, the eleven apostles cast lots for a successor for Judas and God chose Matthias as his successor: Ac 1:26.
* Alcohol is not forbidden in the Bible. Jesus Christ himself drank wine: Mt 26:29; Lu 7:33-34; 1Ti 5:23. Jesus even turns water into wine at a wedding: Jn 2:3-10; Jn 4:46. But drunkenness / losing self control is considered a sin and wrong behavior: Mt 24:49; Lu 21:34; 1Co 6:10; Eph 5:13; 1Ti 3:8; 1Pe 4:3.
* It is not about eating and drinking, outward things, but about God's kingdom: Mr 7:18-19; Ro 14:17; Col 2:21-23; Heb 9:10.
Su 5:91 * There is Satan, the evil one, who pursues his schemes: Ge 3:1-5; Mt 4:10; Mr 4:15; Lu 13:16; 2Co 11:14; 1Ti 5:15.
* Drunkenness leads to evil consequences and is wrong: Lu 21:34; 1Co 5:11; 1Co 6:10; 1Pe 4:3.
*Satan wants people to turn away from God and stop praying to him: Jos 9:14; Job 1:8-12; Job 2:1-6.
*The call to repentance to God is very important: Mt 3:2; Mt 4:17; Mr 1:15; Lu 5:32; Ac 2:38; Ac 3:19; Rev 2:5; Rev 3:19.
* Alcoholic drinks are as much a gift from God as anything else: 1Co 6:12; 1Co 10:23. However, they must not lead to a loss of self-control through drunkenness: Lu 21:34; 1Co 5:11; 1Co 6:10; 1Pe 4:3. It is wrong to demonize the disinfectant effect of alcohol that God has given us. Furthermore, every fruit that is ripe begins a process of alcohol production by bacteria. If there were a total ban on alcohol, people would therefore not be allowed to eat fruit or drink fruit juices. Everyone ingests small amounts of alcohol through fruit, unknowingly but in reality.
* Satan himself wants to be worshiped instead of God: Ex 32:8; Mt 4:8; Rev 13:12-15; Rev 14:9-12.
Su 5:92 * We are to obey God: Jer 29:19
* We are to obey the true prophets, but often do not: Dt 18:15; Jer 25:4; Jer 35:15; Eze 2:5; Dan 9:6; Hag 1:12; Zec 1:4.
* True prophets are only messengers of God. They only have the task of passing on God's message, even if it is rejected: Jer 1:17-19.
* Let no one obey a false prophet: Dt 13:4; Isa 9:14; Jer 14:14; Jer 23:32; Mt 7:15; Mt 24:11; Mt 24:24; Ac 13:6; 2Pe 2:1; 1Jo 4:1; Rev 16:13; Rev 19:20; Rev 20:10.
Su 5:93 * God forgives past sins when we repent: Ro 3:25
* God loves those who do good: Jn 10:17; Jn 14:21-23; Jn 16:27; 1Jo 4:8.
* Food does not defile us: Mt 15:11. Mt 15:17-18.
* Forgiveness does not happen automatically, but only when we believe God, turn to him and accept the sin offering that God has prepared: Jesus Christ. Good deeds cannot outweigh bad deeds: Mic 7:18; Mt 25:28; Mr 14:24; Lu 22:20; Rev 5:6; Rev 5:12;
* God also loves the sinner and wants to save him: Mt 9:13; Mr 2:17; Lu 5:32; Ro 5:8.
Su 5:94 * Repeated wilful sin is very serious: Heb 9:28; Heb 10:26.
* God is almighty: Ge 17:1; Job 9:4; Jer 32:15; Mal 2:16; Rev 1:8; Rev 16:7.
* God will judge people according to their deeds: Ro 1:18; Rev 6:17; Rev 20:11-15.
* Nowhere in the Bible does God forbid hunting wild animals at certain times.
* In the Old Testament, male Jews were obliged to travel to Jerusalem three times a year for the great feasts: Ex 23:14; Ex 23:17; Ex 34:23-24; Dt 16:16, where they were to use their tithe and could bring sin offerings, for wrongdoing - freewill grain offerings - guilt offerings, if someone sinned - peace offerings - burnt offerings. But Christians are no longer obliged to make pilgrimages. It is not about an external religion, but about the devotion of the heart to God in trust in Jesus Christ: Isa 53:12; Mt 22:37; Mr 12:30; Mr 12:33; Lu 10:27; Ro 6:17; Ro 10:9; Col 3:23.
* It is not possible to make a kind of substitution through good works. Atonement for sin is not achieved by feeding the poor: Ro 3:20; Ro 3:27-28; Ro 4:5; Ro 5:1-2; Gal 2:16; Gal 3:10.
* God is, thanks be to Him, willing to forgive even repeated sin. However, we must truly repent and confess it as sin. This can also be recognised by the fact that we should behave like this towards one another: Mt 18:21-22; Lu 17:4
* Whoever belongs to Jesus Christ is no longer condemned: Jn 5:24; Ro 8:1; 1Th 1:10.
Su 5:95 * Everything that is caught in the sea may be eaten by us or travelers: Mt 15:17-20.
* Fearing God is good: 1Ti 2:1-2; 1Ti 4:7-8; 1Ti 6:6; 2Pe 3:11.
* We will all have to appear before God and give an account. He pays back to all people for what they have done: Ge 9:5; Ex 32:34; Ex 34:7; Jer 9:24;Jer 14:10; Mt 12:36; Mt 18:23; Rev 20:11-15.
* Since Noah it is not forbidden to hunt land animals: Ge 9:2-4.
* There is no longer a consecration for a pilgrimage. Even the Jews had no consecration for a pilgrimage. Only priests had to consecrate themselves for priestly service in the temple / tabernacle: Ex 29:7; Ex 40:13. Or objects for the tabernacle or the temple were also consecrated: Ex 40:9-11; Eze 43:26. However, there was also a voluntary Nazirite vow made by an individual. But this was not a pilgrimage: Nu 6:1-8.
Su 5:96 * Everything that is caught in the sea may be eaten by us or by travelers: Ge 9:2-4; Mt 15:17-20. * In the Old Testament, male Jews were obliged to travel to Jerusalem three times a year for the great feasts: Ex 23:14; Ex 23:17; Ex 34:23-24; Dt 16:16, where they were to use their tithe and could bring sin offerings, for wrongdoing - freewill grain offerings - guilt offerings, if someone sinned - peace offerings - burnt offerings. But Christians are no longer obliged to make pilgrimages. It is not about an external religion, but about the devotion of the heart to God in trust in Jesus Christ: Isa 53:12; Mt 22:37; Mr 12:30; Mr 12:33; Lu 10:27; Ro 6:17; Ro 10:9; Col 3:23. Why is there a repetition of the previous verses here?
Su 5:97 * God has established a presence for himself on earth so that people can meet him: Ex 29:42; Ac 7:44; Rev 15:5.
* God knows about everything: 1Sa 2:3; Mt 6:32; Ro 8:27.
* The Kaba is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible as a place. It is also not a holy place of God. Only Jerusalem has been chosen by God: 2Ch 6:6; Neh 1:9.
* The month of fasting is also not commanded anywhere in the Bible: Isa 58:5-8. On the contrary. Although there are many voluntary fast days, there is only one day of fasting that was commanded by God to the Jews: Lv 16:29.
* Fasting is not commanded to us by Jesus Christ, but is voluntary and should follow certain rules: Mt 6:16-18; Mt 9:14-17.
* Sacrificial animals and neck hangings of camels are external things that have been replaced by Jesus Christ: Mt 23:25-26; Ro 2:29; Col 2:11; Col 2:20-23.
Su 5:98 * God will punish every injustice: Ex 34:6-7; Eze 5:15; Mt 12:36; Ro 2:5; Rev 20:11-15
* God loves to forgive: Dan 9:9.
* God forgives our sins only through Jesus Christ: Mt 9:6; Mr 2:10; Lu 5:24; Lu 24:46-47.
* Anyone who repents and accepts Jesus Christ as Saviour can be sure that he has received forgiveness: Jn 5:24; Ro 11:27; Ro 5:1; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14; Col 2:13; Col 3:13; Heb 9:14; Heb 10:18; 1Jo 1:9; 1Jo 2:12.
Su 5:99 * True prophets are only messengers of God. They only have the task of passing on God's message, even if it is rejected: Jer 1:17-19.
* God knows what a prophet says and what he hides and does not say. He is responsible for it: Jer 15:19.
* Because it was only the task of the prophets to pass on God's words to people and not to be responsible for the result, God sent his Son, Jesus Christ. He can also change people's hearts and lead them to obedience. Only God can do that: Eze 11:19; Eze 36:26.
Su 5:100 * Good and evil are not equal before God and must not be confused: Isa 5:20; Mt 7:11; Mt 12:34.
* Even when evil abounds, it must not be legalized: Ro 12:17; Ro 12:21; 2Ti 3:1-4; Rev 9:20-21; Rev 16:9.; Rev 16:11.
* People should remember Allah so that they do no wrong: Ge 17:1; Ge 39:9; Lv 25:17; Lv 25:43.
* In the long run, only he who follows his commandments is successful in God's eyes: Jn 5:29; 1Pe 3:10-11.
* All people are guilty before God because they have done evil since Adam and Eve: Ge 6:5; Ge 8:21; Ro 3:23; Ro 5:12; Ro 5:14; 1Co 15:22.
* We should not repay evil with evil, but with good: Mt 5:43-45; 1Th 5:15.
Su 5:101 * Trust in God surpasses all knowledge and endeavour and questions: Pro 3:5-6; Mt 6:34
* Questions can lead to unhappiness and unbelief: Ge 3:1; Mt 18:6; Mr 9:42; Lu 17:2; 2Pe 2:1-3.
* God can forgive sins committed: Ex 34:7.
* Too much knowledge can make us arrogant: 1Co 8:1
* God created us with healthy curiosity. It is part of our creativity: Ge 1:27. Questioning and researching makes us clever. We should and may gradually discover the secrets that God has hidden in creation: Pro 25:2
* Only by asking questions will we be able to recognise contradictions and correct ourselves. Otherwise, religion becomes absolutist and incapable of criticism. The truth content is lost. Truth needs not to be afraid of questions. Untruth, on the other hand, does. Jesus asked over 300 questions in the Gospels to make his listeners think: Mt 21:24; Mr 11:29; Lu 20:3.
* Self-criticism is important in order to turn back from the wrong path. Whoever thinks he is right and knows everything is a fool: Psa 53:2; Pro 18:2; Pro 28:26; Ecc 10:3; Lu 12:20.
* The Quran must also face up to the question of truth. For there are false prophets and the world is full of lies and deception: Mt 24:11; Mt 24:24; Mr 13:22; 2Pe 2:1; 1Jo 4:1. One witness is not enough to confirm a truth. Since Quranic statements contradict central statements of the Bible, the Quran cannot refer to the prophets named in the Bible
* God forgives only on the basis of Jesus Christ and his deed on the cross: Lu 24:47; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14; Heb 9:22.
* Muslims and Christians should each examine the truth of the other book and not allow themselves to be prematurely banned from thinking.
* A general ban on asking questions is a false conclusion and hinders the search for truth.
Su 5:102 * There are some things that God has reserved for himself: Mt 24:36; Mt 24:50; Mr 13:32; Lu 12:46; 2Co 2:11.
* People sometimes ask for God's will and then don't do it at first: Jer 43:2; Jas 1:22-23.
* Wrong questions can lead astray: Ge 3:1; 2Ch 32:14; Mal 2:17.
* The Bible also reports the reality that some people experience God's will and then do not do it. However, this does not mean that we should not ask questions or scrutinize realities. It is important to ask questions that help and not to ask with an evil heart just to have the previous path confirmed: Pro 28:5; Jer 29:13; Jn 16:5.
* Questions help to explore the depth of faith and embrace it all the more: Dt 6:20; Isa 45:11.
* Asking questions does not necessarily destroy true faith, for lies and wrong behavior in a religion are exposed through questions: Isa 40:25; Mal 1:6; Ac 7:51-53.
* A general ban on asking questions is a false conclusion and hinders the search for truth.
Su 5:103 * Superstitious sacrificial practices (“Bahira”, “Saiba”, “Wasila” and “Ham”) practiced by the unbelievers do not correspond to the will of God: Lv 17:7; Lv 18:21; Lv 19:7; Eze 16:21; Mal 1:13. * There are precise regulations in the Old Testament for different types of sacrifices that God wants:
Burnt offerings symbolized complete dedication to God: Lv 1:3; Lv 6:1.
Grain offerings consisted of gifts of grain, bread or cakes, often unleavened, and were offered as a sign of thanksgiving and reverence to God: Lv 2:1.
Peace offerings were offered as an expression of peace, fellowship and thanksgiving to God: Ex 32:6.
Sin offerings served to atone for certain unintentional sins and were intended to reconcile the sinner with God: Lv 16:3.
Trespass offering was a special type of sin offering that was offered for certain offenses, especially for ill-gotten goods or guilty deeds, and also included restitution: Lv 5:14-19.
Drink offerings consisted of wine that was poured on the altar along with other offerings: Nu 15:1-10.
Heave offerings: Ex 29:28.
Votive offerings as part of the fulfillment of a vow: Lv 7:16.
Firstfruits offering consisted of the first fruits of the harvest or the first litter of animals offered to God as a sign of thanksgiving and dedication: Ex 23:19.
* In the New Testament, all sacrificial rites are fulfilled through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. We do not need any more sacrifices: Psa 40:7-8; Psa 50:9; Psa 51:19; Isa 1:11-13; Ho 6:6; Mt 9:13; Heb 7:27; Heb 9:9; Heb 10:5-8.
Su 5:104 * We should not be attached to the tradition of our ancestors without testing it against the Word of God. Blindly following the practices of your ancestors without seeking the truth is not good: Jer 9:13-14; Mt 15:2-6; Mr 7:8-9; Col 2:8. * Muslims must also ask themselves whether the traditions in which they live are really right. Even if their whole family and relatives are walking on the wrong path, everyone must walk on the path of truth against all attacks. Jesus Christ says that he is the way, the truth and the life in person. We should follow him: Jn 14:6.
* The way of the fathers can be right or wrong: Jdg 2:17; 1Ki 3:14; 2Ki 21:21-22; 2Ch 17:3; Eze 20:30; Am 2:7; Zec 1:4; 1Pe 1:18.
* We see that the Quran itself asks questions here in order to make the reader think. It is therefore legitimate to ask questions about the faith.
Su 5:105 * Everyone is responsible for oneself alone before God. If someone else falls away from the faith, then this must not irritate us to remain on the path of truth: Eze 18:20; Ro 14:12. * Muslims cannot hide behind their teachers or relatives, nor can they apologize. Every Muslim, Christian or atheist or polytheist is responsible before God as an individual. He will have to give an account for everything he has thought, believed, done or said. There is no salvation unless someone is written in the book of life by name, which is the book of the Lamb of Jesus Christ: Rev 13:8; Rev 20:11-15; Rev 21:27.
Su 5:106 * Oral and written wills and testaments of a deceased person should be truthfully confirmed by at least 2 witnesses: Dt 19:15; 1Ti 5:19; Heb 10:29.
* The witnesses must not enrich themselves or utter a lie for the benefit of relatives: Ex 20:16; Ex 23:1; Mt 19:18; Mr 14:56-57; Lu 18:20.
* It does not matter whether the witness is Muslim or a believer of another faith.
* Although in the Old Testament it was desirable to swear to the truth in the name of God: Lv 19:12; Dt 10:20, this no longer applies to Christians. We should always make truthful statements and never swear: Mt 5:33-36; Jas 5:12.
Su 5:107 * False witnesses, in this Quran example it is about a forged will, are to be punished themselves: Dt 19:16-19.
* The community should ensure that the truth comes to light: 1Co 6:3.
* Here the Quran does not describe what is required in the Bible, namely that one should investigate carefully: Dt 19:18. As the liar has tried to harm the other, so now let it happen to him himself: Dt 19:19. * It is unclear how two people who were actually disadvantaged by a false statement about a will should suddenly produce a true testimony about a will. Especially if the will or the wishes of the deceased were otherwise unknown.
Su 5:108 * There is a deterrent when witnesses know that their testimony will be scrutinized and other witnesses will also be heard: Dt 13:11; Dt 17:13; Dt 21:21; Ro 13:3-4; 1Ti 5:20.
* We are to fear and obey God: Dt 10:17; Isa 8:13; Ecc 1:7; Lu 12:5; Ro 13:4.
* Evildoers sometimes receive their reckoning in their lifetime, sometimes later: 1Ti 5:24-25; Jas 2:13; Rev 20:15.
* Although in the Old Testament it was desirable to swear to the truth in the name of God: Lv 19:12; Dt 10:20, this no longer applies to Christians. We should always make truthful statements and never swear: Mt 5:33-36; Jas 5:12.
* God also wants to lead the wicked to repentance from his evil deeds and to faith in Jesus Christ, but if he does not consent, he must pay for it: Isa 30:15; Jer 4:1; Eze 18:23; Mt 18:3; Lu 24:46-47; Ro 10:9-13; Ro 10:21.
Su 5:109 * There is a final judgment: Rev 20:11-15
* God definitely has all the background knowledge about all reactions to his message and all thoughts. God knows everything down to the last detail: Psa 139:1-4; Ecc 12:14; Ro 2:2-3; Jud 1:15.
* People, even prophets, do not know everything: Job 11:7-8; Psa 40:5; Psa 139:6; Ro 11:34; 1Co 8:2; 1Co 13:9.
* Of course, the prophets and messengers of God know what the public reaction to their message was. Mostly negative. They experienced this painfully: Mt 5:12; Mt 23:34; Lu 11:49; Ac 7:52; 1Th 2:15.
* God has already revealed the greatest secret. Jesus Christ is his Son: Pro 30:4; Mt 3:17; Mt 17:5; Mr 1:11; Mr 9:7; Lu 3:22; 1Pe 1:10-12; 2Pe 1:17.
* The Bible does not describe God having the prophets come before him in a group to find out how the people reacted to their message.
Su 5:110 * Jesus was born of a human mother who was a virgin: Mary: Mt 1:18.
* Mary experienced God's grace: Lu 1:28-30.
* God strengthened Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit: Mt 12:28; Lk 4:1.
* Jesus grew in wisdom and grace before God and man: Lu 2:40; Lu 2:52.
* Jesus Christ healed the sick and brought the dead back to life: Lu 7:11-15; Mr 5:35-42; Jn 11:43-44.
* Jesus has to listen to the accusation that he performs miracles through demons/magic: Mt 12:24; Mt 12:27; Lk 11:15.
* Jesus was initially protected by God from evil people who wanted to kill him: Lu 4:30; Jn 8:59; Jn 10:39.
* Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary: Mt 1:18; Lu 1:35.
* Jesus Christ is not only in dialogue with God on the Day of Judgement, but he sits NOW, since his resurrection at the right hand of God: Mt 24:64; Mk 14:62; Lu 22:69; Ac 2:33; Ro 8:34; Col 3:1.
* Jesus Christ is not only 100% human, as depicted here in the Quranic verse, but also 100% God. He is the Son of God: Jn 10:36. He alone has the deepest fellowship with the Father, like no other: Jn 1:18. Christ stands outside creation: Jn 1:1-3; Jn 1:14; Heb 1:3-4. In Christ all things were created that are in heaven and on earth: Col 1:16.
* Jesus did not speak to adults as an infant. That is an invention. He was a normal infant. Nothing unusual is reported from this time.
* Jesus did not make living birds out of clay as a child. This story belongs to an apocryphal Gospel of Thomas, which was rejected by Christianity from the outset as inauthentic. How then does this statement get into the Quran if it is clearly a false statement?
* The will of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit has always been one and will always be one: Jn 10:30; Jn 17:11; Jn 17:21; Mt 28:19.
* Jesus not only raised the dead and healed, but also cast out demons. This is completely ignored in the Quran: Mt 8:31-33; Mt 9:34; Mt 12:24; Mk 1:34; Mk 1:39; Lk 4:41; Lk 8:2; Lk 8:33; Lk 13:32. Why?
* Jesus' disciples also healed the sick at times, raised the dead, cleansed lepers and cast out demons: Mt 10:8; Mk 6:13; Ac 3:6-7; Ac 5:15; Ac 14:10; Ac 16:18.
* Jesus freely gave his life and people killed him on the cross: Mt 20:19; Mt 27:22; Mt 27:35-36-40; Jn 10:15; Jn 10:18; Jn 17:19; Ro 3:25.
* Which prophet has performed such miracles apart from Jesus Christ? Elisha and Elijah were also great prophets who raised the dead, but not to the extent that Jesus did. The prophet of the Muslims does not have such miracles either. That is why we should all believe Jesus Christ more than anyone else, because he was so extraordinarily confirmed by God.
Su 5:111 * Jesus asked his disciples and all his listeners to believe in him and God: Jn 4:48; Jn 5:24; Jn 6:35; Jn 6:47; Jn 7:38; Jn 8:24; Jn 10:38; Jn 11:25; Jn 12:44; Jn 14:1; Jn 16:9; Col 2:5.
* Faith in God and his Christ are connected: Mt 10:32-33; Jn 5:19; Jn 5:36; Jn 6:40; Jn 8:18; Jn 10:17-18; Jn 10:30; Jn 14:6; Jn 14:11.
* The disciples were willing to give their whole lives for Jesus/God: Mt 10:38; Mr 10:28.
* God counsels the disciples to believe in Jesus as the Son of God: Mt 17:5; Lk 9:35.
* Jesus was not only God's messenger, but his Son: Jn 10:36.
Su 5:112 * True believers fear God and believe in him: Ex 18:21; Lv 25:43; Dt 10:20; Psa 61:6; 2Co 5:11; Rev 19:5.
* There are miracles that Jesus did to provide food for listeners: Mt 14:17-21; Mt 15:34-38.
* In the Bible, the disciples of Jesus do not ask for signs from their Master Jesus Christ. They are often surprised by the miracles he performs. His trustworthiness, his wisdom, his knowledge of the future, his promises and his miracles created faith in them. The people who did not believe in him demanded a miracle, not the disciples: Mt 12:39; Mt 16:4; Mk 8:12; Lu 11:16; Lu 11:29; Jn 4:48.
* Genuine faith springs from the word of God and needs fewer visible signs: Jn 20:29; 2Co 5:7; Heb 11:27; Heb 11:39; 1Pe 1:8.
* Jesus did not bring a table for his disciples to eat, but twice provided food for thousands: Mt 14:17-21; Mt 15:34-38; Jn 21:9; Jn 21:13.
* This verse cannot refer to the two miracles of bread with thousands of Jesus, because the Quran only speaks of the disciples. Whether it refers to the Eucharist or the Lord's Supper is also rather questionable. After all, Jesus Christ introduced this in order to point to his death and resurrection and our salvation through his shed blood on the cross: Mt 26:26-28; Mr 14:22-24; Lu 22:19-20; 1Co 11:23-26.
* Perhaps the verse refers to Jn 6:29-35, where the unbelieving Jews demand another permanent miracle of bread from Jesus like Moses, even though they had just experienced it with him before.
Su 5:113 * People want to see miracles in order to believe, but it is often doubters and critics who ask such questions: Jn 4:48; Jn 6:30; Jn 7:3-4; 1Co 1:22. * Jesus Christ does not give signs to those who demand them: Mt 12:39; Mt 16:4; Mr 8:12; Lu 11:29.
* The disciples had experienced enough miracles that Jesus Christ allowed them to experience. They were not dependent on further miracles in order to believe: Mt 16:15-17; Jn 16:30.
* Miraculous signs do not always lead to genuine faith: Ex 4:8; Ex 14:11; Jn 10:25-26; Jn 10:33-39; Jn 14:11; Jn 16:27 .
* The goal of faith is Jesus Christ and through him salvation and redemption and eternal life: Jn 20:31 .
* However, there are also miraculous signs that do not come from God, but from the devil: Mt 24:24-26; 2Th 2:9-12.
Su 5:114 * God provides people with food and can do so in miraculous ways: Ex 16:12-16; Mt 14:17-21.
* All good gifts come from God: Mt 7:11; Lu 11:13; Jas 1:17.
* Such a prayer by Jesus Christ is not mentioned in the Bible. When multiplying the bread for 5,000, the Bible says of Jesus Christ: “He looked up to heaven, gave thanks and broke it”: Mt 14:18. When feeding the 4,000, it says: “He took the seven loaves and the fish, gave thanks, broke them and gave them to the disciples”: Mt 15:36. Jesus therefore did not ask, but simply gave thanks to the Father in heaven and that is what happened. He himself multiplied the bread and fish, because he has the power to do so. For everything was created through him: Col 1:16-17. * The Quran wants to show that Jesus only performed miracles with God's permission. This is wrong, because he himself is God, the Word, through whom the world was created: Jn 1:1-3. He is in total unity with the Father and with the Holy Spirit. He himself does these things in complete harmony with the Father: Jn 10:30; Jn 17:11; Jn 17:21.
Su 5:115 * When God sends miracles and people still don't believe, it has consequences: Ex 23:21; Ex 24:7; Dt 29:19; Lam 3:42; Mt 12:31; Mr 9:19; Mr 16:14; Lu 9:41; Lu 12:10; Jn 20:27; Heb 3:19; Rev 21:8. * God did not send a table down from heaven. Instead, Jesus multiplies bread and fish himself. He does not give the Jews in Jn 6:29-35 a miracle to see, but shocks them and challenges them that they must eat his body and drink his blood in order to be saved: Jn 6:51-57. Jesus is saying that he will die on the cross, give his body and shed his blood for us so that our sins can be forgiven: Mt 26:28; Mr 14:24; Lu 22:20; 1Jo 1:7. We should accept and believe this!
Su 5:116 * God speaks with Jesus Christ: Lu 10:22; Jn 1:18; Jn 3:35; Jn 5:19-23; Jn 5:26; Jn 8:28; Rev 1:12-16. * No one knows the Father except the Son and the Son, except the Father in heaven: Mt 11:27.
* Jesus Christ did not know during his time on earth when the day would come when he would return to earth with power and glory: Mt 24:36. Now, at the Father's side, he knows everything: Mt 26:64; Mr 14:62; Lu 22:69; Ac 7:55-56; Ro 8:34; Col 3:1; Heb 1:3; Heb 8:1; Heb 10:12; 1Pe 3:22.
* The Quran presents a completely false concept of the Trinity: God-Mary-Jesus. That would be blasphemy. Mary was only a human being who was chosen by God to bring his son to earth. Mary became pregnant through the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, without sexual intercourse: Lu 1:35. She was still a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ: Mt 1:23; Mt 1:25; Lu 1:27. The biblical Trinity consists of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit: Ge 1:26; Ge 18:1-2; Mt 28:19; 2Co 13:13; Gal 4:6.
* Jesus Christ did indeed say that God is his Father and that he had an intimate fellowship before his incarnation. The Father created everything that exists through Jesus Christ, the Word: Jn 1:1-3.
* Jesus Christ is rightly called the Word of God, the Messiah, the Son of God, who is over all: Col 1:15-20; Col 2:2-3.
* Jesus Christ is to be honored just like God the Father: Jn 5:23; Ro 10:9; Phil 2:9-10; 1Jo 4:15.
Su 5:117 * Jesus worked for people to worship God: Jn 4:21-24.
* Jesus speaks of “his God and your God”: Jn 20:17.
* True worship of God in the Spirit is only possible through Jesus Christ: Jn 4:21-24. Worshiping God the Father is only possible if we accept Jesus Christ as his Son and as the Lamb of God who gave his life for us: Jn 1:12-13; Jn 14:6; Heb 1:6; Rev 5:13; Rev 7:10; Rev 21:7.
* When Jesus speaks of “his God and your God”, this does not contradict his divine origin. Jesus is fully human and fully God at the same time: 1Ti 2:5; Phil 2:5-11.
* In the history of the Church there have been a number of false teachings about Jesus Christ, e.g. that he was only man or only God. Neither is possible, as he had to be both God and man in order to die for the sins of us all. Only in this way could he help God's righteousness to triumph.
Su 5:118 * Jesus Christ intercedes for people: Isa 53:12; Lu 23:34; Ro 8:34; Heb 7:25; Heb 9:24; 1Jo 2:1.
* God can also punish His believers when they do wrong: Psa 6:2; Psa 99:8; Isa 40:2; Eze 14:21; Eze 23:49; Eze 25:17; Jl 2:13; 1Th 4:6; Heb 12:6-7.
* God can forgive guilt: Ex 34:6-7; Mic 7:18; Ro 3:25.
* God is all-powerful and all-wise: Ge 17:1; Ge 35:11; Ex 6:3; Psa 139:1-2; Isa 41:23; Isa 44:7; Jn 2:25; Jn 16:13; Jn 16:30; Jn 21:17; 1Co 4:5; 1Co 14:25; 2Co 6:18; Rev 1:8; Rev 2:18-19; Rev 21:22.
* God forgives only on the basis of his justice. This means that he forgives when justice has been served. Since sin demands death: Ge 2:17; Ro 5:12; Ro 6:23; Jas 1:15, forgiveness is only possible when someone vicariously forfeits their life. This is what Jesus Christ has done for us: Psa 9:7-8; Isa 5:16; Isa 53:12; Jn 5:30; Ro 2:5; Ro 5:12-17; Rev 16:7; Rev 19:2.
* Jesus Christ has the power on earth to forgive people their sins, just as God the Father himself does, so does the Son of God: Mt 9:6; Mr 2:5; Mr 2:10; Lu 5:20; Lu 5:24-25; Ac 5:31.
* Judgment and all judgment is given to Jesus Christ by his heavenly Father: Mt 11:27; Mt 25:31-33; Mt 26:27; Mt 28:18; Jn 5:22; Jn 5:27; Jn 17:2; Ac 10:42; Ac 17:31; Ro 2:16; Ro 14:10-12; 2Co 5:10; 2Th 1:7-10; 2Ti 4:1; 1Pe 4:6; Rev 20:11-12.
* Jesus Christ himself gives people eternal life: Jn 10:28; Jn 17:2.
* Jesus Christ is to be honored as much as God the Father himself: Jn 5:21-23.
* Even true followers of Jesus Christ can grant forgiveness of sins because Jesus Christ has given them this authority: Jn 20:21-23; 2Co 2:10; 2Co 5:20.
Su 5:119 * There is a river in eternity: Rev 22:1-5.
* Truthfulness will pay off: Mt 5:12; Mt 19:29; Mr 9:41; Lu 6:35; Col 3:24; Rev 22:12.
* Life in the future will last forever: Isa 55:3; Dan 12:2; Mt 19:29; Mt 25:46; Jn 3:15-16; Jn 3:36; Jn 5:24; Jn 6:40; Jn 6:47; Jn 6:54; Jn 10:28; Jn 17:3; Ro 6:23; 1Jo 2:25; 1Jo 5:11-13.
* God delights in those who believe in him and follow him: Zep 3:17; Lu 15:10; Rev 21:9.
* The faithful in heaven will rejoice in God: Jn 16:22; Jn 17:13; Ro 14:17; Rev 22:3-5.
* There is eternal life only for those who believe in the Saviour, the Son of God, not for those who reject him: Jn 1:12; Jn 3:15-16; Jn 3:36; Jn 5:24; Jn 6:47-54; Jn 10:28; Ro 1:17; Ro 8:1; Col 1:14; 1Jo 3:14-15; 1Jo 5:10-13.
* God himself will dwell with man. This was God's plan from the beginning: Ex 25:8; Ex 29:45-46; Nu 5:3; Nu 35:34; 1Ki 6:13; Psa 135:21; Isa 57:15; Zec 2:14; 2Co 6:16-17; Mt 1:23; Jn 20:26; Rev 1:13; Rev 21:3-4; Rev 22:3-5.
* Jesus Christ will wipe away all their tears and heal their wounds and fill up all their lack, so that they will only rejoice: Rev 21:3-4.
* God will create a new heaven and a new earth with completely new circumstances: Rev 21:1-4.
Su 5:120 * God alone owns the kingdom in heaven and on earth: Gen 1:1-31; Ex 9:29; Dt 10:14; 1Ch 29:11; Job 41:11; Psa 24:1; Psa 22:27-28; Psa 50:12; Psa 72:11; Psa 89:11; Dan 4:25; Mt 6:13; 1Co 10.26.
* God owns all that there is: Lv 25:55; Psa 24:1; Psa 89:11; Dan 4:25; Mt 6:13; 1Co 10.26.
* God can do all things: Ge 18:14; Jer 32:17; Jer 32:27; Dan 4:34-35; Mt 19:26; Mr 10:27; Lu 1:37; Lu 18:27.
* God will destroy all earthly kingdoms and his kingdom alone will rule everything: Dan 2:44-45; Dan 7:14; Rev 11:15.
* Jesus Christ has brought the kingdom of God to earth: Mt 12:28; Mr 1:15; Lu 11:20;
* Jesus Christ himself is the ruler of the kingdom of God: Heb 1:8.
* The kingdom of God is the kingdom of David: Isa 2:2-3; Isa 55:5; Isa 60:3-14.
* The kingdom of God is invisible at first: Lu 17:20-21; Lu 19:11-12. Until one day it becomes fully visible: Lu 13:29; Lu 21:31; Col 3:4.
* No one enters God's kingdom without first being born again of the Holy Spirit by repenting and believing in Jesus Christ as the Son of God: Jn 3:5; 1Co 6:9-10; 1Co 15:50; Gal 5:21; Eph 5:5; Rev 12:10.
* God will rule his kingdom through his anointed one Jesus Christ and through those who believe in him: Dan 7:18; Dan 7:22; Dan 7:27; Mt 5:5; Rev 11:15; Rev 12:10; Rev 19:6.

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