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Editing guidelines for editors

Formatting in tables

Use F2-command to enter a cell in the edit mode or double click on the cell.

For new topics within a table cell, please use Ctrl+Enter to start a new line within the cell. Then start the new topic with an asterisk * and space.

For example:
* Angel and risen Lord Jesus and his powerful encounter: Dan 8:18; Rev 1:17
* God created all: Ge 1:1

Please separate two different Bible verses by a semicolon ; (see above).

No Points in the end of a theme in a cell

Use a colon : between theme and Bible verse.

You can only connect a span of verses with a plus sign in between and by writing the full reference again: 1Co 11:11 + 1Co 11:12. Otherwise it will not displayed right by hovering over with the mouse.

Please list the Bible references according to the listing in the Bible: Ge 1:1; Job 1:1; Rev 1:1 and so on.

Please check if the display of the Bible passage really shows the text you intend to read. Because sometimes different translations can have different vers numbers.

List of Abbreviations

Quran Abbreviations

Quran Abbreviations will be “Su”. It stand for Surah number e.g. Su 5:1

Bible Abbreviations traditional

Please pay attention to the upper and lower case, otherwise the automatic Quran and Bible display will not work.
Please write a suitable Bible passage in the shortened version, e.g. “Ge 5:12”.

Genesis Ge
Exodus Ex
Leviticus Lv
Numbers Nu
Deuteronomy Dt
Joshua Jos
Judges Jdg
Ruth Rth
1Samuel 1Sa
2Samuel 2Sa
1Kings 1Ki
2Kings 2Ki
1Chronicles 1Ch
2Chronicles 2Ch
Ezra Ezr
Nehemia Neh
Esther Est
Job Job
Psalms Psa
Proverbs Pro
Ecclesiates Ecc
Song_of_Salomon Sos
Isaiah Isa
Jeremiah Jer
Lamentations Lam
Ezekiel Eze
Daniel Dan
Hosea Ho
Joel Jl
Amos Am
Obadiah Ob
Jonah Jon
Micah Mic
Nahum Nah
Habakkuk Hab
Zephaniah Zep
Haggai Hag
Zechariah Zec
Malachi Mal
Matthew Mt
Mark Mr
Luke Lu
John Jn
Acts Ac
Romans Ro
1Corinthians 1Co
2Corinthians 2Co
Galatians Gal
Ephesians Eph
Philippians Phil
Colossians Col
1Thessalonians 1Th
2Thessalonians 2Th
1Timothy 1Ti
2Timothy 2Ti
Titus Tit
Philemon Phm
Hebrews Heb
James Jas
1Peter 1Pe
2Peter 2Pe
1John 1Jo
2John 2Jo
3John 3Jo
Jude Jud
Revelation Rev

Bible Abbreviations alphabetically

1Chronicles 1Ch
1Corinthians 1Co
1John 1Jo
1Kings 1Ki
1Peter 1Pe
1Samuel 1Sa
1Thessalonians 1Th
1Timothy 1Ti
2Chronicles 2Ch
2Corinthians 2Co
2John 2Jo
2Kings 2Ki
2Peter 2Pe
2Samuel 2Sa
2Thessalonians 2Th
2Timothy 2Ti
3John 3Jo
Acts Ac
Amos Am
Colossians Col
Daniel Dan
Deuteronomy Dt
Ecclesiates Ecc
Ephesians Eph
Esther Est
Exodus Ex
Ezekiel Eze
Ezra Ezr
Galatians Gal
Genesis Ge
Habakkuk Hab
Haggai Hag
Hebrews Heb
Hosea Ho
Isaiah Isa
James Jas
Jeremiah Jer
Job Job
Joel Jl
John Jn
Jonah Jon
Joshua Jos
Jude Jud
Judges Jdg
Lamentations Lam
Leviticus Lv
Luke Lu
Malachi Mal
Mark Mr
Matthew Mt
Micah Mic
Nahum Nah
Nehemia Neh
Numbers Nu
Obadiah Ob
Philemon Phm
Philippians Phil
Proverbs Pro
Psalms Psa
Revelation Rev
Romans Ro
Ruth Rth
Song_of_Salomon Sos
Titus Tit
Zechariah Zec
Zephaniah Zep

start/editing_guidelines.1598111343.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/22 17:49 (external edit)